Ovarian cysts


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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It took us 10 years to conceive and now am faced with a possible time limit before I lose my ovaries. I'm just wondering if anyone has taken a long time to conceive with cysts but fallen quickly afterwards? xxxxxxxxx
Hi Baby Brain - can't believe Albert is already two months old!!! where does it go..?

I don't know anything about ovarian cysts, but wanted to wish you luck for a super quick bfp when you TTC again, maybee having Albert will have helped things?
It's bloomin scary how time goes! He's gone from being a puny little newborn who sounded like a sheep to a baby with bum-fluff hair and a scream that can peel wallpaper lol
It's bloomin scary how time goes! He's gone from being a puny little newborn who sounded like a sheep to a baby with bum-fluff hair and a scream that can peel wallpaper lol

Oh funny! that is a perfect way to sum up those early changes!!:lol: Good job you had a little man, as my daughter has been honeing and perfecting her screams for 10 years now, and can still wallpaper peel to a tee..:wall2:
Lol, our neighbour's daughter was like that! Can I just ask what's Down Regulation? Wishing you all the best for it whatever it is xxxxxxxxx
BB I get ovarian cysts and I fell pregnat whilst on the pill ( I was crap at remebering to take it) so it is possible to fall pregnant quickly when you have them. Fingers crossed you were just really really unlucky last time and you fall really quickly this time (When you decide to start trying again) x
Thanks chick, just going to wait to see what the cancer specialist says and then work out a plan to start ttc. Hopefully I can leave it as long as possible as would like to give Albert all our attention for a couple of years yanno?
This is one of the other reasons I want to TTC sooner rather than later I am only 20 but have had5 Cysts removed in 2 opps and I know that every time I get them removed there is a chance they could remove the ovary I dont want to leave it too long and end up having them both removed before I have chance to concive again xx
Well they said they could egg harvest on the nhs for me so they should offer the same service to you if push comes to shove, especially given your age. They have to think of future broodiness lol
hiya just wanted to wish u all the best on ttc again xxx
ive got ovarian cycts on both ovaries.

the scanographer was shocked to find i had conceived twins (non identical)naturally when she saw the extent of the cysts on both ovaries.

at the time i didnt give it any thought.I wasnt ttc then.

Now im older and I am,aware of the clock ticking and the circumstances and issues to deal wit when youre over 35 and ttc and i have been wondering,after months of trying,if the accidental pregnancies i had (i ahve 3 kids,one singlton,one set of twins) were not signs of a healthy inspite of PCOS and endemetriosis reproductive system but in fact are more like an example of how long it might take to conceive when trying (9 years between them).

So my answer is,for me,i havent fallen quickly.
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Are you wanting more children Seraphim? I'm still waiting for my appointment but the gynae specialist indicated they would help us out quite quickly. It's always worth asking for help hun xxxxxxx
yes ,ttc since september of last year.

the dr ive been to has been great.we have had blood tests and semen analysis and OH is low,suggested to quit smoking to bring that up and he is trying) but that dr is leaving and the others havent had the best attitude to me being pregnant :( so thats a worry.

We are hoping to be referred to the fertility clinic end of July by the good dr,just before he leaves the practise unless im pregnant before then.

I feel im starting from scratch not knowing my body though.the two pregnancies i carried to term were out of the blue,no ttc and this is the first time me and OH are choosing to actually try have a baby.

Until we started ttc i didnt think about what it could be like,what my body might do or not do,time scales etc.Now its months along and its a major part of my thinking constantly and im worried that that 9 year gap is an indication of how long an unassisted pregnancy for me takes and that bilogical clock wont slow down for another 9 years of trying and the prospect of going that long even if i could just is overwhelming and really bleak.

Hoping its nothing like that.Ive had mixed opinions as well from drs.Ive seen endemetriosis (i was diagnosed with along side PCOS) being name checked as a possible factor in infertility in women and ive been told by a dr its got nothing to do with it at all.

if we do get to the fertility clinic i think im hoping for some clarity and answers to all the fears and what ifs.So much of the stress could be eased by just knowing what,if any,problems there are getting in the way of a successfull conception.

I know what you mean, it's the not knowing. Have you tried a diabetic diet? I've read quite a few things that pcos is linked to insulin production and a diabetic diet can help with it.

Finally being a mummy at 34 is just amazing, but I don't want to go through it all again at 44 lol. I'm very lucky that Albert is a really good baby so convincing the OH to start trying soon shouldn't be too much of a problem. You never know, we could be bump buddies lol

Your gp sounds great and I hope he manages to refer you, although it would be miles better if you are pg by then :D
i have PCOS and have been ttc for over yr n half. fell pregnant accidently (massive surprise ause told wouldnt be able to concieve) been put on Metformin to reduce the symptoms of pcos and to help me ovulate because thats what is hindering me from having another kid now.
i am having trouble charting my ovulation because i dont know when i ovulate or if the metformin is working to make e ovulate.
i hope that you will be able to conceive soon.
In majority of cases ovarian cyst is associated with cancer. Its better to start treatment as early as possible there may be complexity of size and type of the cyst
I've got multiple ovarian cysts on my ovaries and i have been wondering if these have been affecting my ability to fall pregnant, it's not quite pcos because i have regular periods and i ovulate but i do have them, how the hell i got them i dont know but i have been ttc since 2010 with no luck :/ xx
How is the type of ovarian cyst which likalicious refers to as in polycystic ovaries associated with cancer, emersonkelly?

Good luck likalicious xx

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