Ov test:- Positive!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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I did Ov test about half an hour ago, and it is positive, so i'm gettin BD as soon as OH wakes up, (lazy sod)
Daft question, but if i got Preg this month, what month would i be due..
Only reason i ask is i had a TTC prediction, and what was basically said was i'd concieve either in June.. or Give birth in June.. etc.. If i got Preg now, wouldnt it be July?
Good luck to all you girlies!! BABY DUST!! XXX
hi, yes it would be july, she may have got it a month late?! get Bding!!

Baby dust to all xxxxx
her predictions arnt always right, but was worth a go.. its all in luck anyway i think.. baby dust to all xx
out of curiosity (sp) who did you get your prediction off? was it online? pm me if you like?

Sarah xx
go on website
Really lovely lady, you pay through paypal (around £4) ad she emails you.
Also i use cheapies off ebay.. was like £5 including P&P for 20tests :)
Thanks! Just bought a pack of 20 off ebay, AF is due on weds but I feel as though I should buy the tests as Im sure AF will come.

Baby dust to you.x
Thanks hun.xx Kind words.x

AF still not come but pinky stain today (soz), then gone again, feeling fat and yuk but not PG. Been moody as well. Im sure witch is coming tomorrow. Hubby said today 'we better get busy next month (LOL), told him i got OV strips he said we dont need them but I have bought them now lol.

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