Ov sticks


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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Hiya, just a quick one. I have read you shouldn't do opk's with fmu. Why is this? I usually drink 2ltrs of water a day at work then a pint of water in the eve so my wee would be diluted. Any suggestions for me? Thanks gals x

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no dont use fmu for opks. some brands say you can but i dont trust it. Lh is always present in your body and peaks just before ov, if you use fmu you could have 8-12 hours (depending on lst pee and first pee when you wake) of lh in your system whihc may give a falsepos result.

i drink loads of water at work to and was concerned so what i do and it works is:

drink and pee normally till 3pm. at this point i have my last drink, i always pee every coupld of hours at work due to the amont i drink so i have a pee at 5pm when i leave and then hold the next pee as long as possible - i generaly get to about 7pm. this is only 2 hours since last pee but i havent had any fluids for 4 hours at this point so pee is a good "consistency" ewww tmi!! if i am thirst i will have somethig small to drink but never more than about a tea cup full. then after done test i can drink as much as i like till bedtime.
I use one step opks, which are really cheap and test several times throughout the day so this might help you catch your surge (I drink lots too, but have still got positive opks the last 3 cycles I've used them). I also use the CBFM,which you have to use your fmu for, so if you're worried, maybe you should look into one of these. I bought mine 2nd hand on ebay, so it wasn't too pricey... xx

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