Outgrowing Moses basket


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Am starting to think it's not going to be long until we need to move Emily out of her Moses basket and into her cot in her own room. Really didn't think she would outgrow it so quickly, but she thrashes her arms around such a lot that they are hitting the sides of the basket all the time. She has grown so fast... When she was born less than 8 weeks ago she weighed a tiny 6 lb 4 oz, and now she is 10 lb 8 oz!!!

Just wondering how long other LOs have stay in their baskets before moving into their cots?!
We are getting Macy used to the cot from today, but I'm putting her Moses basket in the cot at the moment. But she is waking me up at night as she makes noises in her sleep.
K is 9 weeks and pretty much done with hers. We are going to have to move her very soon!
Lewis is 11 weeks, I'm keeping him in it till he can sit up it's so easy to lift him out and looks much warmer.
My lo is 4 weeks and already thinking of moving him, he is so tall there is only a couple of cm spare but his cot will be in our room. I had to do same with his brother. 0-3 month sleepsuits are getting tight on him too.

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Kayla is 6 weeks and almost done with hers, its so easy having her beside the bed will be horrible having her on other side of the room
So glad I didn't spend a small fortune on a basket that is only used for a couple of months! Will be a whole new experience moving Emily into her cot in the nursery... Think we've got a week or two yet, but no long than that!
Buster is only 3 wks and already 11lb 8 oz but he won't be moving out anytime soon, all mine have stayed in till atleast 4 month and none have been little babies unless there huge in it I can't see the harm to keep the in the basket
Lanny I was ginna ask u what y called lo! Buster is so cute and goes perfectly with ur other three :D
I know this doesn't match much but my son was in his till four months old x

I put him in it the other day and he still fits in it lol at one and he is no little chicken at two foot three x so yeah x

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So glad i am not the only one!! Chloe is going to have to go into her cot in a week or two. She bashes hers with her arms constantly!! Bit worried as was planning of putting her in cot at 6 months didnt expect it soo soon.

But she is in 3-6m clothes at 7 weeks so should expect it lol x
James has just moved from his moses basket into a crib and will be in that until he either out grows it or can sit up then he will go in his own room then xx
At just under 6 weeks and 12lb 2oz Alyssa has been sleeping in her cot at night for about a week now. we use the moses basket for daytime naps cos its not that small on her, just she bashes her arms and disturbs easier in it. that and there isnt much room around her lol

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