Out and about with LO's in their slings!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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I have to admit I don't use my sling very much, and when I do use it to pop to the local shop Ella seems to attract a bit of attention whist in it..like 'Awwws' and 'Ahhhhhs' but that's coming from people who see us out and about regularly.

I'm in London at the moment so have been using the sling pretty much everytime we're out and I can't believe the amount of attention Ella's been recieving because of it! We've been stopped in the street by complete strangers, which is fine, I don't mind her being admired. But people think it's okay to do things like cup her face or gently pinch her cheek...getting right up close to her and stuff. Don't you find it really annoying? When she's OH's regular Baby Bjorn style carrier people don't bat an eyelid! Do any of you have this and how do you deal with it..?
Hmmm I'm not sure. We live in a small village and when I go out with her in the sling, I don't really mind when people some up to us because I feel kind of 'safe' here. But tbh if I was in London I would definitely be more anxious and annoyed with people touching, pinching, squeezing :) etc. I think If I was going past a group of people I would avoid looking at them and then I wouldn't give them a chance to slow down and play with her, or fake being on my phone so I could't stop :rotfl: but I guess there is a limited number of times you can do that!!!
I have to agree newmum, we are in a titchy village too, and everyone loves seeing Tom in his sling!!
He always attracts lots of attention, everyone is used to seeing him on the school run and there are a few old old ladies who I thought might tut tut but they think he looks snug and cosy in there.
When we go in to the little town I always catch people pointing and saying 'ahhhh'
I would not be pleased if people were touching my baby! I think you'd just have to move a step back quickly or say 'please don't touch my baby'.
Happens here all the time...usually little old ladies.... but I generally get equally nasty comments as nice. :roll:
I don't get it so much now round where I live as people are used to me, and TBH I tend to get more negative attention then positive. When I was in Bulgaria if I put Cally in her sling the amount of attention she got was overwhelming at times. It took us ages to walk around as there was always an old woman stopping us, talking to us (which we could never understand) and they would stroke Cally's face or head, chuck her under the chin etc. Cally loved it and TBH it didn't bother me as I think I complain all the time how rude some people are so its just nice to have some positive attention. The only time it would bother me would be if Cally was asleep but when she is I tend to pull the sling up to support her so she's pretty much hidden.

I far prefer that to yesterdays comment that my baby was dangling and going to fall off my back :bored: Cally was so scared she was squealing and chattering to herself.
beanie said:
I far prefer that to yesterdays comment that my baby was dangling and going to fall off my back :bored: Cally was so scared she was squealing and chattering to herself.

poppy160 said:
beanie said:
I far prefer that to yesterdays comment that my baby was dangling and going to fall off my back :bored: Cally was so scared she was squealing and chattering to herself.


We get the "that must be uncomfortable for her because of the red marks on her legs...!" So uncomfortable that she's almost comatose and snoring? :think:
Squiglet said:
poppy160 said:
beanie said:
I far prefer that to yesterdays comment that my baby was dangling and going to fall off my back :bored: Cally was so scared she was squealing and chattering to herself.


We get the "that must be uncomfortable for her because of the red marks on her legs...!" So uncomfortable that she's almost comatose and snoring? :think:

ive had stupid comments like he must be cold in there its not very warm or isnt he squished in there :roll:
I use my sling quite a lot i makes life so much easier to get out and about though i still use the pushchair when i need to get some things from the shops

id have pulled away to be honest the hussle and bussle of London scares me as it is without compleate stragners pawing all over my son

Your in Londond oh i could have come up and seen you :D
No one has ever made nasty comments when I'm carrying Louis in a sling but it does seem to attract a lot more people's attention than a pram :wink: Now that he can hold his head up I'm also using the Baby Bjorn in the forward facing position and that's literally an old ladies' magnet when we're having a walk to the shops :doh:
And I don't like people making attempts at touching his face :twisted: He's more than likely going to scream within seconds anyways if they try to do so :lol:
I get alot of "That's how a baby is meant to be carried" by old ladies. Slightly younger people comment on her cold feet. She refuses to wear socks so i either put them on and she lose them, or not bother wasting my money!
She wasn't in a sling today yet people insist on hanging off her feet! It was driving me mad! Til OH started saying "Get off her feet!" Or i'm trying to get her to sleep and they're grabbing her feet telling me she won't sleep! Then OH again goes "Well she won't sleep unless you leave her feet alone!
We get stopped a lot as well - but it has all been positive.

One lady actually kissed LO on her forhead when she was small :wall: :talkhand: . So you can only imagine how close her face came to mine as well. Tbh, if I had known what she was up to I would have tried to stop it, but she did it pretty fast...

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