our birth stories


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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where were you born? Hospital or home? Was your dad there? What story has your mum told you. I know my mum loves to tell me all about my birth.

I was born in england, in hospital.
I was the 5th child born to my mum and dad. I was an accident :oops:
My mum was induced and had a pretty quick labour with me. She has gas and air.
It was guessed i was abig baby and all the midwives kept coming and feeling my mums tummy and wondering at how big it was :lol:

Any way i was born at 9Ib 12oz. I wasn't breathing and i was whisked away for resusitation. My dad was let in after the birth as he fainted part way through :roll: . Shortly i was bought back and reunited with my mum. I was so sweet (ofcourse) and it was half an hour or so when my mum realised she didn't know what sex i was. :lol: :lol: It had been such a palava!
So there you go my boring birth story. I hope someone will come along and tell a more exciting one.
i was born in england
i was the first child to my mum and dad
my dad wasnt there cause he was a lorry driver and he didnt know my mum had gone into labour
i think my mum only had gas and air with me oh and alot of stiches hehe

i weight 7lb7

mines pretty boring to :roll:

we need someone to come along andsay they were born in the back of ataxi or a telephone box or something. :rotfl:
Born in Wales, 3rd child to my mum and dad, they already had and boy and a girl, didnt really want any more kids, I came along ten years later. I was 2 and 1/2 weeks over due, long labour. I was born in the early hours, my dad kept falling alseep.... my mum had to keep kicking him to wake up. :roll: was born 8lb something. I was back to back so was born head facing up, as a result my nose was squashed :oops: It took a few weeks to pop into place lol :oops: .........now the world is a much better place now that im here :cheer: lmao
:rotfl: great story violet! :rotfl: :rotfl: can count on you for a good un.
I'm the third child. My parents tried for me after losing their second child to cot death at 4 months :(

I was born at 2.45pm on a wednesday in South Wales. My dad was going to be there but my mother who is always so composed told him gently to go get a midwife by the time he got back I'd shot out in a labour lasting 1hr 45min. My mother was delighted to see I did not have 2 heads as she had suspected throughout her pregnancy.

Oh yeah and I was 10lbs :D (doesnt bode well for me though :rotfl: )
bloody hell miracle babe :shock:

my story isn't exciting, sorry!!
i am an eldest girl of 2, i was full term but only weighed 5lb :shock:
my dad was there, but my mum said he kept shoving the gas & air mask over her face to shut her up :shock:

i was born on a thurs & thats all i know about coming into this world, don't remember a bloody thing :rotfl: :rotfl:
I was born 11 months and 16 days after my brother and I was over 3 weeks late! My mum says I was a mistake and a miracle! She went into labour with me while on the loo :lol:
I was born either one day early or one day late (cant remember) at Coventry Hospital weighing 7lb. I was my parent's second child, their first (and only) daughter. It was all pretty normal and straightforward except that I was breech so came out feet first, but my mum still delivered me naturally.

Glad my baby's not arkward like me!

i was my mum and dads first, they were only 17 but they are still together and very happy, i was double breech (bum first) so they planned a c section however i was already coming down the birth canal wen she went in..i was 2 days early. my poor mummy who was only 17 had to give birth to a doubled up baby )bum first, legs were over my shoulders..picture it?)
she had a loooooot lot of stitches..poor her! i love her and appreciate her so much more now i've got my own!
Mines not really exciting just unexpected!

My mum went in for a check up at 32 weeks and next thing she knew she was put in a wheelchair and told to wait where she was.She had preeclampsia so by that evening I was born weighing 3lb 11oz. \i was in hospital for 6 weeks and my mum said it was horrible. My dad was talking about it a couple of weeks ago about how frightening it was and he statrted to get all emotional bless him.

I was in England much to the disgust of my gran who still thinks that my dad should have taken my mam to Ireland to have me lol. I was the first person in my dads family ever to be born outside of Ireland.

I was born after 32 hours of labour!!! My poor mother! At one point she decided she has changed her mind and got dressed, packed her bag and was waiting ready for my dad to take her home. The midwives had to wrestle her back into bed apparently. My dad wasn't there because he had nicked off to the TV room and was watching Ian Botham score a century against Australia in the test match! He turned up just after i arrived and my mam was pissed!
Its not part of my birth story but i think its hilarious - my baby name bracelet from the hospital says Helen Stewart. My mam and dad had decided on the name Helen months before i was (its so good i wasn't a boy because the boy name was Rupert!). My dad went to register my birth alone and decided that he liked the name Melanie better, so my name changed without my mam knowing anything about it!

Yeah and my dad wonders why they are divorced now :rotfl:
Well I was the 4th and only girl, oh and a accident!
My brother born before me was so small they said he would not live so they got the vicor to pray for him ect, when he was a week old he had a heartattack and was left mentaly disabled. So when my mum found out she was pg again they were going to get rid of me :( but my Godmother who was a gypsy told them I was a girl so after 3 boys they really wanted a girl, it was a normal birth at 36 weeks I was 6 pound 15 my dad was not alowed in the room as they would not alow the dads it at the delivery ward at the time. my dad wanted to call me Melanie and my mum wanted Mellisa so they decided if I was dark haired then it was Melanie and blond mellisa, so my dad won.
is your godmother still around? has she told you what your having?

P.S thats a sad but at the same time very happy birth story. :hug:
No she died years ago boy her daughter thinks im having a girl so lets hope it runs in the family she was right with Luke
if its a girl you'd like then i hope you're having a girl then :hug:

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