Our baby came 9 weeks early. *UPDATE PAGE 1*


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2006
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Hello Ladies,

Just wanted to let you know that my waters went completely out of the blue on Friday night at 11.10pm and I went into hospital to be checked out. They tried to slow my labour to give time for a steroid injection to help my babies lungs kick start but nothing seemed to be holding him back and he came into the world screaming at 8.24 am, weighing just 3Ibs 2oz's. Obviously being so small he will need to be in hospital for at least 6 weeks but he has had a good start. He was breathing by himself when he was born so I was aloud a very quick hold skin to skin, but now he needs a little more help and is a bit too fragile to hold or move so we are visiting him twice a day and are aloud to rest our hands on him through two holes into his care system and will be taught how to change his nappy and give him a little wash. It's a very emotional time and we are of course over wrought with worry but he seems to be doing well and the doctors are very positive that he will make it through okay. We just have some good days and some bad.

His name is Austin Ritchie and he is adorable. Other than being so small he looks just like a perfect little baby. I hope to get some pictures on here at some point.

I'm sorry if I am not on much, but wanted to pass on our news. I hope to catch up soon on what everybody else has been up to and I hope you are all keeping well.

Lots of love.
Becs xxx

Friday 11th April

Hello again,

I am so sorry it has taken me so long to get back on here. We have spent most of our time at the hospital and the emotions of the weeks had really knocked me for six so I just didn't have the energy to do anything in the evenings other than hit the sack. Little Austin is amazing, he has had a few issues but nothing more than expected. He has been on CPAP to help him breath but has managed to avoid the ventilator, he's also had UV light for his jaundice (which he really didn't like) and he had to come off feeds (my mik in a line) as he had tummy troubles, but today he seems to be doing really well. He is off the light and taking feeds and can even come off his air for an hour every now and again for a cuddle with Mummy. I'm sure tomorrow will bring a new challenge as it is usually 2 steps forward and 1 step back as we are learning but I think we are adjusting to this new lifestyle of expressing milk every 3 hours and making hospital visits day and night. They say he may be home in 5/ 6 weeks but I should be moving in full time in 4 weeks time to breast feed. Here are a couple pictures we took while we were having a cuddle. It's the best feeling in the world being able to hold him and he seems to get so much out of it.

So thanks again for all of the kind words and messages, we are taking it a day at a time, but things sem to be moving in the right direction.

Congratulations to all of those who popped this week and good luck to those imentent. I'll be back for a nosey around soon.

Big hugs and kisses,

Oh wow, congratulations and welcome to the world little man :D :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: Cant wait for pics :D
ohh becs, congratulations! i wish you all the best hun and cant wait to see the pics.x
Congratulations... hope all goes well in the coming weeks

congratulations to you and your new bundle - hope you have him home with you soon :):)
OMG thats a shock. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Glad hes doing well Becs and he will be home before you know it, i can't wait to see your pics.

Congratulations :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Awwww :hug: :hug: :hug:

Welcome to the world Austin. Hope he gets to come home soon :)

Looking forward to seeing pics :)
oh my hun!! What a shock!
Welcome to the world Austin :cheer:
Be strong lil man :hug:
Awww congratulations on your little blue bundle!! :hug: I hope Austin continues to thrive :hug:
Congratulations becs!! What a shock you must have got!!
Glad things are going well! :hug:
Congratulations :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I hope you can get loads more cuddles soon.
Congratulations!! Welcome to the world little Austin!
I am sure he is going to get the best care, I know it must be worrying, but he sounds like he is doing really well, bless him! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Awww Becs :hug: :hug: :hug: Massive congratulations hunni! Cant wait to see little Austin, I bet he is perfect :D He will be home before you know it :hug: :hug: :hug:

congratulations hun and he is in the best place those staff in scbu are angels :hug:
What a shock! He was in a hurry to meet his lovely mummy :hug: Hope you're okay.

Huge Congratulations, can't wait to see pics
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Hi Becs

Congratulations on your little bundle of baby boy :cheer: And huge hugs for the trauma you must have gone through :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

i hope he continues to get stronger and that you are able to have those all important special cuddles and able to take him home soon.....

You take good care of yourself hun and your little boy!!


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