

Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Is this normal? Just started feeling strong kicks this week, but today if feels like she's kicking her way out of my cervix??

It feels like little twinges and kicking deep inside, like when you have a smear test? Or a little vibration down there.

Is this normal? Have no experience of kicks before. And as i had my cervical stitch put in only last week, i'm scared she;s going to break through it!


Didnt want to read and just go, so offering cuddles :hug: Im sure it is normal - sounds like she's just got a good kick in her! :hug:
Im getting all those below the belt kicks lol!!
She is kickng down there constantly and gowd doesnt it feel strange lol I cant remember my son doing this but when i told my midwife she laughed so im sure nothing to worry about hun xx
My little man kicks downwards a lot too, it's almost as if he's treading water in there sometimes!
He also kicks inwards towards my bum.... i that that feeling :shock:
Oh yes I get this too........my little monster started doing this whilst I was driving the other day and it hurts like hell, feels like he was trying to kick his way out..........Im told its very normal!!
i can remember with alice getting LOADS of presure down below and it just her weight pushing down, but i was further along (more like 30-35 weeks!). Im assuming because this is my 2nd and everything is that little bit weaker im starting to get that presure sooner. Its no way near as bad yet, but its def there. Or maybe its just because im expecting it.

i seem to be getting all my kicks on my left side as well. He seems to have a fav way of laying - im hoping he will be the same as alice, from a quicky scan i had at 27 weeks and every scan after, she was head down the whole time!!!! back to back, but head down.
i get alot of kicks and vibarations down there too, i did with my others also so i presume its all normal :)
tallulah73 said:
My little man kicks downwards a lot too, it's almost as if he's treading water in there sometimes!
He also kicks inwards towards my bum.... i that that feeling :shock:

I keep getting these little bum ones too :eek: It seems so much earlier than last time :eek:

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