

Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2012
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I just sneezed and oh my it was so painful! What a wierd pain in my lower abdomen and lasted a couple of seconds....how will I go through labour lol :shock:

Sneezing is evil during pregnancy
Haha! I know what you mean, I've been doing loads of it lately! Rubbish. Xxx
I can't seem to stop, it's horrible, and what's worse is I've just woken up with the worst cold ever so that's definitely not the end of the sneezing for me
Plenty of rest I'd in order for you I reckon! I'd of hated to of had a cold feeling like I did. Get rested up you! Xxx
Yeah the cold is horrible, bad timing I'm revising for some exams ahh. But I think a nap is needed now :)

I haven't sneezed for an hour though so that's good news :D lol
I sneeze alot too, I did whilst pregnant with Jack aswell! The pain is probably just stretching. Bloomin hurts though! x
It does doesn't it! Who would have thought sneezing would be so painful lol not to mention I always need the loo after :lol:
Make sure you do your pelvic floor excersises because I now have to sit down to sneeze or i'm in trouble!! I'm defo doing mine regularly this time round! x
Stupid question but how do you do pelvic floor excersizes? I've looked them up but don't get it :s
Oooh, I'm so glad it's not just me! I get a really sharp pain in my lower abdomen when I sneeze - I have to brace myself when I sneeze and push on my abdomen to reduce the pain :-(

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