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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2007
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it is exactly 2 weeks today since i had my implant fitted, and i am bleeding. Is this normal? did any of you have the same? :hug:
hi yes i started bleeding a couple of weeks afterwards. unfortunately I didn't stop for 5 months so had it removed. seems to be quite a common thing with implanon according to my doc :(
I started bleeding Saturday, so just over two weeks after having it fitted....I was hoping that i'd be one of those who had no bleeding at all...Hopefully its just while our bodies are getting used to it....I really don't want this to be a longterm thing.
-For me its yucky horrible brown bleeding YUCK!
hmmm.. i thought u were supposed 2 have it in during ur period.. well that was 5 yrs ago mind.. it is norm tho
lisa&alex said:
hmmm.. i thought u were supposed 2 have it in during ur period.. well that was 5 yrs ago mind.. it is norm tho
i had in put in on the 2nd day of my period. the bleeding now is horrible brown stuff :puke:
lisa&alex said:
hmmm.. i thought u were supposed 2 have it in during ur period.. well that was 5 yrs ago mind.. it is norm tho

No, not in my case, just had to do a pregnancy test!
- I've not had a period since befire I got pregnant as I am breastfeeding, so I've had no bleeding at all since I stopped bleeding post partum....So this bleeding is definitely down to the Implant in my opinion. My periods didn't return for 10 months after I had my son....and the bleeding I am having now is nothing like a normal period.

Claire is the bleeding your having quite light, but horrible and mostly brown? - Thats what i'm having...Not enjoyng it I must say!
Rachael said:
lisa&alex said:
hmmm.. i thought u were supposed 2 have it in during ur period.. well that was 5 yrs ago mind.. it is norm tho

Claire is the bleeding your having quite light, but horrible and mostly brown? - Thats what i'm having...Not enjoyng it I must say!

yep exactly like that!! :puke:
its nomal ladies.. i had this for 3 weeks then didnt bleed for 18 months
lisa&alex said:
its nomal ladies.. i had this for 3 weeks then didnt bleed for 18 months

Oh Lisa I hope the same happens for me....I can deal with that!

Claire I have to admit I didn't realise I was bleeding at first....I just thought OMG can't believe i've wiped poop everywhere...ewwwww...because thats what colour it was. Disgusting! - Then I clicked! - Its like a weird beetrooty brown now...Sorry for the TMI but had to share with someone, DH does not want to hear lol!
I had it fitted and didnt bleed for the first 12 months! Then I began getting random bleeds that lasted 2 weeks!! I had to have it removed!
Kinda what spured me onto TTC again! lol
Hey Claire just wondering how things are in your camp? - Has your bleeding stpped yet?

I've had no bleeding for nearly a week now, so hopefully things are settling down (Fingers Crossed)...I wouldn't mind the rest of the three years now with no more bleeding! :pray:
hiya :wave: its been just over a month since i had it fitted, and ive got a bit of brown discharge atm but i suppose thats just wen my period would've been? hope it doesnt get any heavier :pray:
clairescunny55 said:
hiya :wave: its been just over a month since i had it fitted, and ive got a bit of brown discharge atm but i suppose thats just wen my period would've been? hope it doesnt get any heavier :pray:

Well I had mine fitted n the 7th March...I had two weeks with nothing, then almost two weeks with icky brown bleeding....now its been almost a week with nothing....So hopefully yours will bugger off soon too!
sorry to gatecrash- how soon after the birth can you get the implant and can any doctors surgery do it?
I think it's 6 weeks, although think it was 9 weeks by the time I had mine put in. You have to have it fitted by a doctor who is specially trained - there was only 1 at my surgery. When you have your 6 week check you can ask your doc if they are able to do it.

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