opposite genders sharing a room


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2006
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Anybody know if there's any laws dictating whether or not children of opposite genders are or aren't allowed to share a bedroom?

Lydia's room is huge and she could easily share. Alex's room is small and not ideal for sharing.

I don't want to move Lydia out of her bedroom though if the new baby is another boy, just to put Alex and the next child into her room, because that seems unfair on Lydia. She loves her 'big girl room' and whilst she wouldn't mind sharing it with a sibling, to kick her out of it is a bit unfair.
Well I am an army wife and they can legally allocate you a 2 bedroom house if you have 2 children (one of each gender) under 10 but once the eldest reaches 10 they have to allocate you a 3 bed house. So while I don't think anyone can force you to seperate a brother and sister into seperate rooms this would say to me under 10's are considered ok to share whatever gender they are. Also my 3 (2 boys (8 and 6)and 1 girl (4)) all insist in sleeping in the same room and even the same bed at times :roll: although we have a 4 bed house and they each have their own room. Going to have to change around when bubs is born but I wouldn't worry too much hun.
there isnt much age difference between our kids, we have a 3 bedrom and sophie and alastair used to have thier own room, and cos of baby coming we have just bought some new bunkbeds and they are now sharing which is going really well. the plan is to keep baby in the 3rd room till old enough to share with the same sex child.
Statutory overcrowding is the only law I can think of that considers gender and sharing rooms http://england.shelter.org.uk/get_advic ... ercrowding

Its a law that desperatley needs updating (as its from 1930's :roll: ) and many bodies are campaigning for it to happen so watch this space, but it wont apply to your situation

As far as Im aware there is no law to stop you having different genders sleeping in the same room, unless possibly there was a child protection issue and you were told not to for that reason.

With out going into too much detail (coz its not really worth it...I would start to bore you LOL) if you lived in social housing and your landlord has a policy about genders sharing you maybe required to move, but I doubt this would actually ever happen.

Hope that helps :D
me and my bro shared a room until i left home in my 20's

my parents have a council house and although they had had a false wall put up dividing the room into 2 as far as the council knew we were sharing a room normally & they wouldnt allocate a 3 bed property
There is a regulation- but only if one of the children is adopted. My neighbour adopted a boy and immediately fell pregnant with a girl. Social services (who track adopted children for 3 years here) said they would remove the boy if the baby girl was put in the same room.
There is a regulation- but only if one of the children is adopted. My neighbour adopted a boy and immediately fell pregnant with a girl. Social services (who track adopted children for 3 years here) said they would remove the boy if the baby girl was put in the same room.

Sorry just wanted to comment on that bit - that's flipping ridiculous and I hope it was some time ago. Social Services should have actual worry and concern that a young person is at risk of harm. Sharing a room is not indicative of risk in itself.

I work in Newham, the overcrowding is awful with lots of kids sharing room, but social services wouldn't do anything in these instances apart from potential support an application for larger council property.
thanks ladies

well I own my own property, and none of my kids are adopted, so should be fine then. Thanks everybody :)

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