OPK's...Whens best to test


Dec 18, 2008
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Hi...a bit of advice needed.
I've been ttc for only a few week's and have now purchased some opk's.
Just wondering though if there is a particular time that is best to test.
Is the first pee in the morning the best or lunch or in the evening?
I'm learning all about my cycle as I was on the pill for 16 years and I think my cycle is 30 days long so trying to learn when my O happens approx.
Any advice would be great...
Good Luck xx
The best time to test is in the afternoon from about 2-5pm. First morning urine's not as good for opk's so if you can test afternoon/evening that's better. Also, try not to drink too much up to a few hours before you test as this can water down the sample so you might not get a positive when you should. If you've got a few tests, some ladies test twice a day as you can sometimes miss it.

I'm about to start using them myself ~ they've been brilliant at working out my cycle. I have around 32day cycles so I start from day 12 just to make sure I catch it. I normally start getting positives around day 15/16.

Good luck hun, I hope they work for you.
HannahD...you are a minefield of information!
You also helped me with a grapefruit question!
Thanks for the opk advice. I think I have a 30 day cycle so have tried testing from day 11 which was yesterday but the line was so faint but we had to BD last night as my partner went away with work thismorning till Friday so we may miss this month :-(
I'll test again on Friday (the day he is due back home) and see if we did miss it this month.
Thanks again...your a star xx
You're welcome hun :D

Give it a few months & you'll be a walking ttc encyclopaedia too :lol:

Good luck :hug:

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