opk's - how often?


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2007
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how often do you use them? do you test everyday around the time you think you ovulate or every other day? on a 28 day cycle when would you test and how frequently?
hi hon, Im using them for the second time this cycle, i got a bargain pack of 30 from ebay, seem to be the same as the posh ones but without all the plastic and the hefty price tag. ive no idea when i ov, no signs at all and I can have several seperate lots of ewcm so thats not helpful either. If your cycle is regualr 28 day, you should ov around cd14. I would start testing in the afternoon of cd 11 or 12. You are not meant to test with fmu as the hormone you are testing for doesnt surge until afternoon on average apparently. I hope this helps, i have got one really positive result on a cheapo opk and that showed I ov late, ( when i do at all!! :wall: ) and that was cd 17 of a 28 day cycle. Try and test at the same time ish each day and dont drink too much in the 2 hrs beforehand.
Best of luck! :D
I start testing a couple of days before the earliest day I'm expecting to ov and I test 4 times a day.
I start testing on day 12 (cos have 32 day cycles) and normally do it about 2.30pm, which is supposed to be the best time. I test until I get 2 +ve's in a row then stop.

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