I had a miscarriage in September. I finally got my first period on Oct 28th. My cycle is 24 days and I usually ovulate around the 10th day (I think...) I've been temping and doing opks but I missed tracking on my 10th day because I had to get up at 3:30 in the morning for travel. I was sitting on a plane for 18 hours, so I didn't get a chance to take an OPK test that day and I didn't temp because I got like 4 hours of sleep the night before.
I took a test when I got to my hotel and got nothing. The days leading up to that, the lines had been getting darker. Now I'm still doing the tests and the lines seem to be getting darker again! I know it's impossible for anyone to know, but do you think I haven't ovulated yet? Or is it possible for the strength of the line to fluctuate from normal hormonal changes??
I'm way overthinking this, but I really hope I ovulated a few days ago as I am traveling without my boyfriend, so if I ovulate now, we miss our chance this month!
Thanks so much ladies! I thought OPKs would make tracking easier, but they just end up confusing me so much!!
xx honeygirl
I took a test when I got to my hotel and got nothing. The days leading up to that, the lines had been getting darker. Now I'm still doing the tests and the lines seem to be getting darker again! I know it's impossible for anyone to know, but do you think I haven't ovulated yet? Or is it possible for the strength of the line to fluctuate from normal hormonal changes??
I'm way overthinking this, but I really hope I ovulated a few days ago as I am traveling without my boyfriend, so if I ovulate now, we miss our chance this month!
Thanks so much ladies! I thought OPKs would make tracking easier, but they just end up confusing me so much!!
xx honeygirl