OPKing for first time today


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2011
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Hi Ladies,

I've decided to try OPKs for the first time this cycle and today will be the first day of testing. I picked up some cheapies on ebay (thanks to a post on here) and the advice I've read online says you should base when to start testing on the shortest cycle you've had in the last 6 months. Mine have been a little irregular, shortest at 26 days and longest at 31, current average is 29. So based on a 26 day cycle I should start OPK testing today.

Going to do it when I get in from work at 6pm. Posts seem to suggest mid to late afternoon is best, but I really don't want to do this at work, so going to give it a go when I get home.

Anyone got any advice or tips?


Wish me luck!
Make sure you dont drink too much or your pee will be diluted. i made that mistake before :)

Goos luck! x
Thanks for reminding me. I had read that in a post, but had forgotten about it. No more tea for me this afternoon :shock: !!!!!
i use the cheap one to give me an idea when i start to get darker lines, then i use clearblue digital ones to pin point the actual fertile days.

the digital ones are quite expensive but i tend to only use about 3 or 4 a month so a pack normally lasts me about 2 months....

make sure you keep each test and label them so u can see them getting darker and try and do them at same time each day

hope all that helps

good luck xx
Not really any advice as I just started using them myself 2 days ago & you sound very well-read already :) but I had fun browsing through the pictures in the OPK testing gallery section of the website, gave me a sense of what to look for!
goodluck x

i had fun with them last month and started 2 days ago for me this month- due to ov on thurs/fri so when lines get dark ill add them to my opk diary and go from there!!
felt elated last month when i knew i actually was ov but still no baby so FX this month opks + preseed will work!!

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