Shit man, thats harsh! At least you will have the knowledge of what its like to have that kind of up-bringing and you will have a better relationship with your child and you will take good care of them! U will be tops babe!
How long have u been with ur OH?
I don't know any better so I really don't mind. The lifestyle I had can do 2 things really; drag you down or make you stronger! Nearly went to the dragged down stage but didn't & I've became a stronger person from my life defo.

The only downfall is I find trusting people hard. I am very backwards on that score & a lot of people take me the wrong way ....

Been with OH 9 months, not long I know to plan a child ... An I won't try an explain why :lol:
I could never fully understand what you went though but i find it very hard to trust people too! Some people think im bad coz i make my 1st impressions permanent but i can tell straight away what a person is like and if im going to like them or not!
Im not going to question your 9 month relationship coz if your happy with that person i say skip the messing around and just go for it! You'll still be in the 'honeymoon phase' for a few years and its great to start a family early coz your baby will feel everything you feel and that will either make the child naughty or nice!! If you happy, your baby will be happy. It doesnt matter how old she/he is! My OH was a very bad alcoholic after we found i was PG. He went out all night and didnt come home regularly and never called etc... not good when u think ur in labour!! She was always a good baby when i was happy, but when he made me cry or furious with him she would play me up something rotten!! The past year has been hell for me with he coz of him! He's finally had the shock he needed when i ended it with him fully a couple of months ago and went to my dads in lanza for 3 weeks! He's been off the drink for 3 months and Jaycee is so happy now! She sees him more now and is happy too be around him whereas before shes scream when he held her!

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