OPK any advice!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2008
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Hi girls i posted a message on here a few days back with a photo of a opk i done
i was not sure if it was a positive and you all said it was nearly there !!
that message will prob be on page two if any of you never read that message
and want to take a look at the photo of the test which is in that message.

The reason i am posting this is because after i done that test i have been testing
twice a day afternoon and night and had nothing but faint lines no where near
as dark as the pic i posted the pic i posted looked so much like it was going to be
really dark the following day as it was really dark and i have not had one as of yet!

how can this be do you think this was a positive and thats why i am having
nothing but light really light tests ???

I am using the 15ml the very sensitive test strips ..
Any advice girls ?

I have still been bedding just incase ( Do a day miss a day ) dont want to miss it just incase
i usually get the digital but because i was not sure of my cycle length due to me not long having
ivf in early december i would of had to get two digitals and there quite pricey but now i wish
i would of just paid that price!! at least i would of been able to tell if its a positive or not

karen xxx
Karen, like I said on your other thread hun, I never got a really dark line on opk's only fainter ones and I took them as my positives. I think a lot of it has to do with how much you have drunk before testing and when you last went to the toilet. I'd take that as your positive mate.
Thanks donna :) not sure if you know anything about this it might be tmi sorry but need to ask
but when your ovulating does your cervix go far back that you can hardley feel it cause its that high ?
because at the moment mine is very high and the other day i could insert my finger and feel it but now
its very high at the back its unreachable ?? xx
Yeah mine did this morning, I lost it it was that high. Yesterday I could just get my finger tips to it and got ewcm, whats your mucus like?
If you cant reach it, try going to the loo, you know, number 2's because thats known to lower it slightly so you can just reach it.
Hi hun, The good thing is that you have been BD'ing all the way through so at least there is no chance of you having burnt your bridges!!! If the lines are getting fainter then that might have been the best result your going to get for this month. Wait and see what happens next month (hopefully you wont get that far! :pray: ) and see how dark the lines are then. If they are the same then i guess it means thats as dark as what it might get for you, but at least you will know. Also bear in mind that some tests dont have as much dye in them as others so as long as the colour of the test line gets as near as damn it to the colour of the control line then you can take that as a positive.

From experience 99% of my tests have been as dark as the control line but i know others on here dont get a line this strong ever. Good luck for this month Karen :hug: :hug: :hug:
What day are you on hun? Do you have a regular cycle?
I get quite dark lines, every now and then throughout my cycle but I don't get a OPK+ until around day 28/30 ish.

My EWCM is a good indicator for me, then I know I will OV within a few days and I get a OPK+
Have you had any CM hun?
Misslarue said:
What day are you on hun? Do you have a regular cycle?
I get quite dark lines, every now and then throughout my cycle but I don't get a OPK+ until around day 28/30 ish.

My EWCM is a good indicator for me, then I know I will OV within a few days and I get a OPK+
Have you had any CM hun?

Hi Hun I am on day 17 i started my Af the 1st jan had a 5 day bleed i usually have a 28 day cycle
but i had 2 goes of icsi last year and my last icsi was in june after that treatment i had a few
mths of a 33 and even a 35 day cycle it then went to a 28 day cycle but i had another go
of icsi in december just gone so am not sure what my cycle is gonna be now :?

But i come on af on the 1st jan and started testing on the 12th and got that darkish line
since then i have been doing the tests 2 times a day afternoon and night and there very light
nothing like the one on the 12th jan .

Today i have white/grey creamy cm and had like a blob of what looked like clear snot TMI lol
it stretched a little than went back to like a blob not sure if this could be a little bit of sperm
am confused so now i have been cervix checking and yesterday it was very high hard to reach
and today it went low i could feel it it felt a little open but i dont even know what a open to
a closed cervix feels like :doh: so stupid lol and my cervix has gone back really high now
and i can just about reach it .... it feels like its on the side insted of the middle very high up
if that makes sence CONFUSED you as well as myself :lol: :hug:

Hi Sammy nice to hear from you hun :wave: How are things going with you :hug:
I just hope i aint missed my egg we have been bedding since last sat every 2 days
So am hoping a little strong swimmer is sitting relaxed with his/her shades on
waiting for sun to come up :lol:

Thanks girls for your posts Good luck Everyone !! :hug:
Waiting4amiracle said:
Misslarue said:
What day are you on hun? Do you have a regular cycle?
I get quite dark lines, every now and then throughout my cycle but I don't get a OPK+ until around day 28/30 ish.

Hi Sammy nice to hear from you hun :wave: How are things going with you :hug:
I just hope i aint missed my egg we have been bedding since last sat every 2 days
So am hoping a little strong swimmer is sitting relaxed with his/her shades on
waiting for sun to come up :lol:

Thanks girls for your posts Good luck Everyone !! :hug:

Hi Karen, i think you should be in with a great chance with BD'ing every other day! Its always a bit hit and miss trying to get the OPK's as perfect as you want them but you will get there in the end :)

I hope you catched that egg... we are approaching ovulation in the next few days so fingers crossed for this month :hug:

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