

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2016
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So my OH has been playfully calling our blue bump 'Woody' for a little while now and his come home today and said he actually really likes the name and it's grown on him and everyone his asked at work have liked it.. and I'm not sure if it's just because i've got used to calling him Woody and hearing it all the time that it doesn't seem that strange.. I have always said I wanted a normal sensible name but we haven't heard or seen anything we've liked at all.

However with an 'unusual' name comes negative comments and in this case forever being referenced to Woody from Toy Story or Woody the woodpecker!

I know people will say a name like that will just be asking for him to be bullied but I really don't believe that.. I believe kids will be cruel about anything, if it's not his name, it'll be something else.. and it's about teaching them to deal with certain situations and not just forever trying to prevent them from being bullied.

I also know our family will be like.. 'really??' especially my OH's dad who grew up with an unusual name and hated it - bearing in mind that was a long time ago when there were no unusual kids names, now there's 'Rocco' 'Apple', I even know a 'Neo!'

So what do you all think?
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It's really not to my taste at all I'm afraid. I like names that are not very common but that is a bit much for me if I'm honest.

Our son is often called Bean/ Beanie as that's what we referred to him as in pregnancy. In fact he probably gets called that more than his actual name! Lol!

lol Aw bless, thank you for your comment! I completely expected some people not to like it!.. It all helps in working out how I feel! There's plenty of names I think are awful too so I respect everyones opinion! :) xx
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At the end of the day, he's your baby so it's up to you to call him whatever name you and hubby like. Half the battle is finding a name you can both agree on, so you're doing well on that front! Lol!

Even if you call him something else, I expect you'll still refer to him as Woody as these nicknames do tend to stick!

I think it is fine as a nickname but could you give him a more 'usual' option on his birth certificate? Something like Edward would shorten to Woody, at least he then gets the option if he wants to use it.

Just as a side note, the person I know called Woody is called it because of how he is hung and how often he gets it out in public... It is also fairly common as a slang term for penis in this area.
The term 'wood' is used here meaning 'being hard'! but not Woody, It's not the first thing I think of when I think of the name Woody anyway! lol

Thank you for your opinion though xxx
If you both really love it then use it, it isn't like it is an offensive word and people often end up with random names that don't relate in any way to their actual name, so does it really matter?! We have been having massive debates about names as our surname is tricky to work with (it makes a few names sound rude) but so many of our friends don't use their given names anyway so I do wonder if we are overthinking it a bit and to just choose a name we love.
So my OH has been playfully calling our blue bump 'Woody' for a little while now and his come home today and said he actually really likes the name and it's grown on him and everyone his asked at work have liked it.. So what do you all think?

I grew up in the 1980's and 1990's. There was a kid at my school called Woody Barker.

He didn't get bullied at all as far as I'm aware, but maybe it helped him having an older brother around. Maybe kids didn't make the relationship between the bark in Barker (Like bark on a tree) and the Wood in Woody.

You can always call him Woody as a nickname at home and just give him a formal name on the birth certificate, like Woodrow. (Former USA President Woodrow Wilson is a famous one)

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