Opinions on these names, please

I'm only 9.5 weeks, but I'm thinking ahead :D My OH is very dismissive of any names I suggest, so I'd like other people's objective opinions please.

Here are some of the names I've thought of so far.

Boys: There seems to be a 'Br' theme going on here!

Brody (my OH says, 'Jean Brody')
Tristan (my OH was teasingly called Tristram after the little boy in George & Mildred when he was young because he wore glasses, so I don't think he'll like this one)


Karis (my cousin thinks this sounds like 'carrots')
Calista (but I don't like the name 'Callie', so I worry it might get shortened)
Leara (I made this up, would sound like Lee-ara)
Ciara (pronounced 'Sierra' - my OH asked if the first name would be 'Ford'!)

Gosh, it's so difficult. I liked Savannah for a girl when I was pregnant before and I liked Ruby, but it seems too popular now.

Any comments - however honest! -gratefully received.
i am not fussed on any of them sorry. i prefer traditional names. :)

i think if you want to name your baby name it and done. its your baby and no one elses opinion should matter. :)
i like Brody.

not overly keen on the girls names, but all that matters is your happy with the name :)

would proberly say Leara if pushed :)
I love the name Ciara but i prefer a pronounciation of kee-ara :)
Hi Skyla,

I always thought Ciara was pronounced 'Cee-ara' too, until I heard it in audio over the internet as a Spanish name (I think) and it was pronounced 'Sierra'
I know a Ciara (Kee-ara), not heard of 'Sierra' before.

I like them all except Brawly which makes me think of fighting and Leara, which I think would get pronouced Leer-a (as in 'seedy look'). If you really liked that one I'd spell it Liara.

Tristan and Karis are my faves, although I'd spell the latter Cerys as in the original Welsh form.

I love picking names, such fun! :D
Thanks, Minxy.

I thought Cerys was pronounced 'Keris' and that Karis was from 'Carys'? God, some of these naming sites are so inaccurate! I thought of Liara (like 'Tiara') too, but it looks too much like "liar" with an 'a' on the end! I thought to "leer" at someone was spelt with two 'e's?

Brawley - 'Braw' in Scotland means beautiful, but 'brawl' does mean fighting, yes. There's a city in California called Brawley, but it's a Scots-Irish surname. It sounds exactly like Brolly (umbrella) though.

I'm glad of this site - might as well get some feedback before landing my child with one of these :D

Oh, and I forgot to add Eden as a girl's name.

When I was pregnant with my little girl, I was thinking of naming her Lorelei - everyone talked me out of it.
WendyWandy said:
When I was pregnant with my little girl, I was thinking of naming her Lorelei - everyone talked me out of it.

I love that name, it was on my list too. It's now off the menu even if I ever do have a little girl, Stanley and Lorelei - bit too Stan Laurel eh? :lol:

You're right about 'Leer', I just find the spelling confusing on the eye, but I see what you mean about 'Liar' too :? Shame, it sounds so pretty!

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