Oooohhhh Stomach somersaults?????


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2006
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I have been sitting here tonight and right in the lower region of my pelvis, it feels as if my stomach was doing somersaults...... :shock:.........then you could see my stomach moving?!?!? I am only 8+4 and I know there is no way this is the baby, but I also know that the next few weeks are crucial for me as I have a hernia that we are hoping is going to cope with the pregnancy, so I was wondering if it was something to do with that or not?!

Has anyone else had these felleings at all......just feels like the inside of my belly is turning over?

I'm not worried about it, although it did feel weird but there is no pain with it or anything un-toward, so that's a good thing!
I could have sworn I saw something move the other night, I think it could either be the uterus expanding or wind!
Tam are you sure it wasn't an enormous fart rumbling from deep within! :rotfl:
My tummy was doing just the same the other night. It didn't hurt so I didn't worry about it. It might have been wind though :oops:
hey fruityloop....

36 is a mere teenager in my books....

I am 40 and expecting my first !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
budge said:
Tam are you sure it wasn't an enormous fart rumbling from deep within! :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Budge, you could be right........I hope you held on tight it came out a few hours after I posted :wink: xx
Fiona said:
hey fruityloop....

36 is a mere teenager in my books....

I am 40 and expecting my first !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You two are making me feel like a spring chicken again :rotfl:

I am 30....but on my second! :wink:
oh to be 30 again......................

I would love to have had kids earlier - just never happened. to be honest we had given the idea up over the last few years and just got used to enjoying life without thinking about babies.

then hey presto......... 40 years old (and 2 months I might add) and
suddenly nature decided to do its thing.......

so excited... they say life begins at 40 and mine certainly will
Tam said:
budge said:
Tam are you sure it wasn't an enormous fart rumbling from deep within! :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Budge, you could be right........I hope you held on tight it came out a few hours after I posted :wink: xx

i felt a slight tremor
Fiona said:
oh to be 30 again......................

I would love to have had kids earlier - just never happened. to be honest we had given the idea up over the last few years and just got used to enjoying life without thinking about babies.

then hey presto......... 40 years old (and 2 months I might add) and
suddenly nature decided to do its thing.......

so excited... they say life begins at 40 and mine certainly will

Awwww that's brilliant!!!!! You'll enjoy every minute of it! Good Luck babe! xx
How are you Lisa, not seen you for a while?! You feeling OK hun?

Coping with the weather? xx
the weather is so hot isn't it :shock:

Getting lots of nausea and tiredness my brother is home til tuesday so spending time with him. Hope you are well and hope you are all ok. :hug:

I'm looking forward to my midwife appointment on tuesday :dance:
budge said:
Tam are you sure it wasn't an enormous fart rumbling from deep within! :rotfl:
LOL You make me laugh when it's needed :rotfl:
I was dumbfounded when I found out I was pregnant.

10 years ago I endured ovarian drilling, diathermy and 8 courses of Clomid and didn't conceive. I was pretty much told to give up as my body didn't take well to the clomid and I gained 5 stone in the 8 months I was taking it, and my ovaries came dangerously close to hyperstimulating.

Now, 10 years on, and not having used contraception of any kind for 17 years, I find I am pregnant.

If I have a successful pregnancy and give birth to a healthy baby at the end of it, it will truly be a miracle to me.

My doctor put it down in part to the fact that for the last 3 months before conceiving I had started following a diabetic diet as I'd just been told I was fasting glucose impaired. I had been feeling healthier than I'd done for a while on the diet. To anyone TTC who is polycystic and overweight (like me), give the diabetic or GI diet a try.
oh fruityloop you went through so much. you girlies need to put your advice on the ttc section theres a thread for advice from successful mums to be, they would all be glad of any suggestions you have i know i was when i was over there.

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