oooh CONTRACTIONS! :( *MW update*


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2008
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Iv been having irregular BH contractions for the past couple of hours, some are really painfull, some are quite light but iv had 6 (first edit- make that 8 now and counting...) strong BHs and a couple of light ones that didnt hurt that much, just felt a little uncomfy. one lasted for 4 minutes and went, then i got one again 5 mins later that didnt last as long but was just as strong they are ranging from a couple of mins appart the longest being 28 mins. is this normal for 31weeks?
thanks girls xx

Second edit.. i called my midwife who told me to jump in the bath for 30 mins and time the contractions. i had four in the bath then one as i was getting out. she called back and talked to me and said she not too worried as they are lasting longer instead of bing short and sharp. im still having them but some have a pattern and some dont. since getting out of the bath they are pretty much ontop of eachother so i think im going to take a painkiller (the midwife recomended) and jump in bed. i was told to call her back if i couldnt sleep through them so we will see :sleep:

Sweet dreams ladies x
oh goodness i hope they stop for you, hang on i there baby for a few more weeks :wink:
I had this at the weekend. they had got to the point where they were coming every 25 mins and i was starting to think oooh!! but i went to bed and all was fine, just the well oiled machine getting into practive.
Awww I hope all is well with you? I've been having the same thing as you - got quite a few BH's in the night on Tues night, then felt 'out of sorts' yesterday and kept having the BH's. Some were painful, some not. Then at 2.30am I had some more, and since then I've not felt a thing. Feeling much better today in myself, but taking it easy.
Let us know how you are hun! xxx
i had these last night/this morning. i had BH that woke me up sometime in the night, it was quite sore, and then when i woke up this morning i was still having them, but because i had no idea when they woke me up & i'd been asleep, i didn't know how long they'd been happeneing for, or how many i'd had! they seem to have eased off now though.

hope you're alright hun :hug:
Good morning ladies :wave: well... i suppose its afternoon now for you ;)
I have period type pain a little in my lower back this morning and got woken up 3 times with strong BHs through the night but appat from that all is well and good this morning. i think i had OH worried haha! if get any today/tonight im going to go down to the hospital to get checked but iv been up for 15 mins and they seem to have calmed down :) xx
Keep us updated hun, i have really overdone it toda by walking around town with too many shopping bags and i've been having quite a few twinges, its take it easy time now for me, a bath and feet up for the rest of the evening.

Keep smiling :hug:
Gosh you had me worried there for a min hun :think: .

Baby is wy to early to come out and I think if you get anymore then to get yourself along to the hospital as they may be able to delay it x :pray:

I,m hoping things settle down now for you now hun,
So again tonight they started :( i feel way too silly to call my middy again! so here i am with my feet up hoping they will go away. im not as worried as lastnight as iv only had about 7 throughout the day. they picked up a little tonight at 6.30ish so im resting and OH has put me on his own orders of bed rest :lol: bless him. im really starting to get a little concerned though! there not too painfull tonight just very uncomfy im going to start timing them soon if they carry on while im resting i have a little backache too. i would go down to the hospital but its just sooo expensive! Our private health insurance wont cover anything pregnancy realted :doh: i see my midwife in seven days so i hope i can last that long!
I hope so too hun. Hopefully they're just strong bh. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

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