only one boobie leaks is this normal??


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2007
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right from the start only my left nipple leaks bobbie milk
i dont mind leaking it means they work :dance: :dance: :cheer:
but is it normai for only one to leak the right has never shown signs of activity apart form the odd twinge now and then.

will this be ok when breast feeding will both work????

im happy if my collier only needs the one boob if the right aint working just wondering if anyone else has found this leaking only in one

sarah :wave: :wave: :wave:
Heeeheeee, i get this too. Mine sometimes swaps sides but it only seems to be one side a day... lol.
I'm guessing we are normal :p
lol, I only have one sided leak too. The BF counsellor reckons this will be baby's favourite boob :shock:
Happybunny said:
lol, I only have one sided leak too. The BF counsellor reckons this will be baby's favourite boob :shock:

James reakons this is a sign our Son is left handed like him and of course brainy as left handed people are proven to be ,,,im a righty :roll: :rotfl:

left boob... left hand = inteligence
well lets hope its true :lol:
neither of my boobies have leaked :( I feel left out :rotfl: I hope they work :think:
The breastfeeding class I went to the other day was full of useful info so I think if you can get signed up to one soon you should go along. Answers lots of questions for you.

What I was told was it didn't matter if neither leaked, only one did or both, that once LO was here milk would kick in as labour is an inducer to milk production. Nature does its thing :)
I get one that leaks more than the other, and when I was breastfeeding James the one that leaks more was always more effective and comfortable.
I've got implants though so that may have affected things.
well mine have never leaked lol though if i squeeze my milks comes out. did this out of curiosity just to make sure babys supply is there lol

marie x
I'm a left sided leaker too :oops:

I don't leak all the time though
marie_77 said:
well mine have never leaked lol though if i squeeze my milks comes out. did this out of curiosity just to make sure babys supply is there lol

marie x

same here, altho have leaked once or twice in bed if ive been really squashing a boob :lol:
My right leaks noticibly (especially at night - I always wake with a wet patch) whereas my left is just little crusty marks on the inside of tops or when squeezed.
I don't leak at all because I have dysfunctional boobs, so you're all doing better than me :rotfl:

By the way Sarah, left-handedness corresponds to the RIGHT hemisphere of the brain. So left-boobedness probably means creativity rather than logic and "standard" intelligence :)

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