One more day then off for a sweep!


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2015
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Hi ladies
Well baby has got one more day and then it's sweep time at the midwife on friday! Been having a lot of signs that labour is near but no movement as yet! My appointment is at 10.40 on Friday so hopefully fingers crossed if it works baby could be here by weekend! I know after your first baby things never fully go back to normal so I am hoping I am a couple of centimetres dilated at least. I have been having a few cramps, lots of discharge and ache down there so all good! The sweep worked with my first so hoping its the same for baby number 2! Watch this space! Xx
Good luck Amy - how exciting! Do you know what you are having?
Thanks Laura. We are having another little girl..can't wait to finally meet her! Xx
Eek good luck! Sweeps did nothing for my stubborn little miss.. Hope you have the same success this time! xx
They attempted one on me this morning but cervix not soft enough yet!
They attempted one on me this morning but cervix not soft enough yet!

Oh it still not too early yet? I thought they normally wait until you are 40 weeks?? I'm hoping mine is soft...I'm losing enough mucus to suggest that it is! Fingers crossed! Xx
They done mine with my son at 39+2 I really didn't think they would attempt one today but I'm just not ready, I'll be back next week and I'll be 39+2 then
Well had a sweep this morning and it bloody hurt! :( She said I'm not dilated much and could only get a finger tip in but I am soft and thin. She seemed to think it was a good one though so fingers crossed. Not had many cramps but I have what feels a bit like a stitch in my side?? Had no bleeding which I suppose is a good thing but she told me to monitor it and babies movements and if I have a lot of red bleeding or worried about movements then to ring triage. Guess it's a waiting game now to see if labour starts x
Fingers crossed it gets things moving!! xx
Any update? xx

Well not much happening at the moment. I feel a bit sore inside though which I suppose is normal considering what she did! Baby has been a bit quiet so will keep an eye on that...hopefully it's just the calm before the! Really hope things get moving..don't fancy going back next week for another sweep!
Well I think it's safe to say the sweep didn't work!!! Argghh!! I am supposed to see the consultant at the hospital on Tuesday and then the midwife again on Friday if she still hasn't arrived by then xx
She's a stubborn little thing isn't she :) lol. Hopefully she won't be much longer though. Try your birth ball and walking again , I've heard sex helps too lol--- unless that's just made up by men ! Apparently the semen helps to soften the cervix . Depends on how comfortable u are :)
She's a stubborn little thing isn't she :) lol. Hopefully she won't be much longer though. Try your birth ball and walking again , I've heard sex helps too lol--- unless that's just made up by men ! Apparently the semen helps to soften the cervix . Depends on how comfortable u are :)

Haha..yes she is definitely stubborn! I have been busy all weekend food shopping, taking daughter to her riding lesson, cleaning the house, putting up the Christmas tree and the only thing I end up with is awful lower backache! I will have a bounce again on the ball later and if I'm in the mood tonight will try a bit of good old fashioned sex! Lol!
Aww bummer! What have they said they will do next/when? Not long now, bless you, you must be dying to meet the little one xx
Aww bummer! What have they said they will do next/when? Not long now, bless you, you must be dying to meet the little one xx

I am supposed to see the consultant at the hospital on Tuesday as I am under shared cared because I am hoping for a vbac but I am not sure what this appointment is actually for or why i need to go and then I am booked in to see the midwife on Friday and she said she will do another sweep! I am so fed up now and just want to meet my little princess. I am hoping this backache is a good sign and I did have a few cramps in the night so fingers crossed xx

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