
Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2007
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I feel terrible!! :shock: :shock: Ky was playing lovely on his mat so i went in the kitchen to do the washing up. he was being very quiet so i checked on him to see what he was up to and he was quiet happily devouring a sheet of card!!! hes nearly eaten half of it!!! what if he chocked?!?! will it give him a bad belly? Ive just spent the last 5 mins picking bits of soggy card out of his mouth! :doh: lol why does my son prefer random household objects to his toys! I caught him nearly gagging on one of my OH socks he'd managed to cram in his mouth when he was playing on the bed yesterday. Please tell me your LO's do the same thing. i feel terrible i should be watching him more! :cry:

EDIT: i dont no why ive put this in food and nutrition, lol since when has eating paper been nutritional? can someone move it please :roll:
I once found Paris eat cat food :puke: needless to say that cat was not impressed. Funny how they go quiet when they are up to no good!
I reckon Luke would try and scoff anything in sight LMAO
Sage said:
i dont no why ive put this in food and nutrition, lol since when has eating paper been nutritional? can someone move it please :roll:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
card, paper and now daisies. I don't know why. Everyone said let her eat a daisy because she will just spit it out when she realises it doesn't taste good.
Apparently they taste good...
:rotfl: :rotfl: your not alone hun :hug: Jack devoured his appointment sheet for a hospital thing he has for his thumbs. Been trying to ring the hospital to find out who/where I have to go but can't get through so now were gonna miss it :roll:
oh god hayden tried to eat everything, once he ate the whole corner off of a cardboard book :shock: he also ate a box of raisins..yea literally ate the raisins and then the cardboard box after he found it..i used to worry so much but hes always seemed fine! lol
We have tp put paper and that all up as well, as imogen likes to munch our daily newspaper! :rotfl: yes they all go quiet though when there up to no good!
Lydia ate her own poo once when she was a baby :puke:
:rotfl: :rotfl: @ eating your OH socks.

My cousin picks anything up of the floor and puts it in his mouth, he is 1 and the other day was about to eat a spider.
haha!! well poo def tops paper and socks!! :rotfl:

He likes material to oooh! and he loves wetwipes! it will keep him entertained for hours squeezing, touching, waving and sucking them! Im just worried he'll end up eating something that will give him a bad tummy! youve got to have eyes in the back of ya head!!

Im looking forward to the nappies tomorrow lol im expecting little paper poos!! :doh:

I spose all kids do it lol i can remeber i had a bit of a thing for grass and bubble bath bubbles when i was young!! :oops:

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