

Well-Known Member
May 30, 2007
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... Don't all get excited... AF did show her ugly head today :roll:

BUT.... OH has just called me. We went round to some new friends house last night and we didnt know but they had a 3 month old baby boy. He was gorgeous. I had mixed feelings last night about how i would react being near a newborn but then since I thought I was pregnant anyway i couldnt wait to hold him and OH did as well. We talked all night about maybe being pregnant and so we were obviously disappointed when AF arrived today although i wasnt crying or mortified or anything and I told OH I would be calm about it and not to worry about me, which I was.

HOWEVER, he has just this minute called and said "right we are going to go full steam ahead with ICSI, I really want this and seeing my colleague with their little baby made me realise even more how much I want a baby"

I am over the moon... initially we were going to have to wait until March but he said we can start right away! :cheer:

Ive told him it would be lovely to have twins and since there is quite a high chance of this with IVF/ICSI - maybe!!!
Awwww that's great news hun!!!

Sorry AF showed up - but this comes a close second in the good news stakes! :hug:
Crikey it sure does!!! We get two attempts free anyway with OH's medical insurance and here in Holland they get things done really quickley its not like the NHS waiting lists you have to go on thankfully it works differently here as its partly private medical care as well. I think we will make an appointment to see the doctor and then start the treatment in January now as I would like to have a drink and some fun over xmas and my birthday!!!

We have had most of the tests done in Spain and I have all the results on paper so the process should move along quite quickley.

Im really excited :cheer: :cheer: :dance:
Aww, sorry to hear about AF, but that is great news - congrats! I hope all goes well for you and you get your bfp quickly! :hug:
aww hun wow thats great news, i sent you a pm about your af :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: i hope March hurries up for you then you can start asap :cheer: :cheer:
Anna23 said:
aww hun wow thats great news, i sent you a pm about your af :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: i hope March hurries up for you then you can start asap :cheer: :cheer:

OH said we can start ICSI right away hun, how cool is that? :cheer:
Aww thats lovely! im glad he wants to start now and things sound like they are going really well sammy! :hug:
Thanks everyone... i do feel that i have waited long enough now!!! :lol:
trixipaws said:
:cheer: yay! :hug:

i kno what ivf means but what is isci?

Its where you put your boby into a state of menopause and then "basically" after medication they collect some eggs from you and your OH gives a sperm sample (which they wash and spin and pick out the best sperm to fertilise the egg) and then they sort of force the egg and the sperm together in a petri dish. When (or if) the eggs fertilise they put them back inside the female in the hope that they will implant and grow into a baby.

Its basically because Oh has poor sperm, they are not strong enough to swim very far and theres not as many as there should be either!!!

Its a method used for "lazy sperm" i reckon.... means they dont have to do much or swim far!!! :rotfl:

Ive had all my tests done apart from the Day 1 and Day 21 blood tests and all is fine womb, tubes, ovaries and follicle wise so we are hoping this will work for us. :pray:
So sorry the old hag showed up, but great news about starting ICSI/IVF. Your OH's insurance only covers 2 tries? Mine would cover 3 tries per possible pregnancy. Good luck, though! Sending babydust your way :hug:
emeraldsroses said:
So sorry the old hag showed up, but great news about starting ICSI/IVF. Your OH's insurance only covers 2 tries? Mine would cover 3 tries per possible pregnancy. Good luck, though! Sending babydust your way :hug:

Hi maybe it covers more then? I will have to ask him to check it out. Hes in a high bracket for medical care here so maybe! Oh we are in Rotterdam by the way now.... Vlaardingen. Is that anywhere near you? :hug:
Sorry you got AF sammy, but that's great that you are getting things moving! :hug:
hey thanx for explaining for me! iv heard of it before but i thought thats what ivf was :? what is the difference between ivf and isci? sorry am curious! :)
hink its the same hun but if im wrong im sure someon will correct me! :hug:
xxsammyxx said:
Oh we are in Rotterdam by the way now.... Vlaardingen. Is that anywhere near you? :hug:
Yes, it is closer to me than the east of the country :cheer: How long are you out there for?
emeraldsroses said:
xxsammyxx said:
Oh we are in Rotterdam by the way now.... Vlaardingen. Is that anywhere near you? :hug:
Yes, it is closer to me than the east of the country :cheer: How long are you out there for?

Well we have moved here for the time being!!! Maybe one or two years, until OH gets a relocation package to the USA basically!!! :)

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