Omg tiredness is taking over my life :-(


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2013
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This is the first time I have posted on here. I am currently 33 weeks pregnant and suffering really bad tiredness my bloods came back fine 5 weeks ago. Do you think it would be worth having them done again to see if I'm anaemic? Would be greatful of any advice.
Might be worth asking. I always find the way they do bloods really silly in pregnancy. I had my booking bloods at 10 weeks and the results given at my 16 week midwife appt. They were fine, but that was 6 weeks ago!! Maybe call your midwife with your concerns.
If you think your iron levels are low but it's quite normal to feel really tiered you can try eating more iron foods steak spinach spring greens etc and also try going for short walks or a light swim these can surprisingly aid u in feeling less tiered as long as you don't over do it. Also things like a nice shower can revitalise you and not over doing it. I have to sit down every time I try n do too much like Hoover a room sit down. Then can think about next room etc it's sadly how it goes in third tri xx
Ohh and make sure you drink enough as the more you drink the less dehydrated you get ice lollys do count too and it helps reduce water retention and swelling too for some reason x
I'm having more bloods at 34 weeks, so mw should be ok to do yours a bit early!? My iron levels are fine but I'm still exhausted. It's bloody hard work, especially in the heat! X
Im knackered these days too. I need a nap during day then sleep all nite. i just put it down to late preg, my bloods were fine too last time. Have dinner to make but just wana zzzzzzzz xx
My 28 week bloods came back normal which I was sooo shocked at because I literally have no energy and have felt like this since about 25 weeks! In fact my midwife said they were one of the best bloods she's seen!!! :eek: xx

If you feel anemic try getting yourself some GRASS fed beef! It is much better than regular beef and will truly help boost you with iron and B vitamins. Grass fed beef gives you the full benefits, when the other beef that is corn fed or has added hormones doesn't pack the same quality nutrients, and your system doesn't absorb it as well.
Thing is with bloods is that there is quite a big acceptable range. Ie if u were 140 before Pg, and now ur 110, that's a huge drop for you but its not below the lower end of the range, if that makes sense, so they won't treat you!

Consuming more iron generally won't do u any harm. U could maybe get some spatone if you can't make too many dietary changes?

Seems like its an inevitable part of tri 3. Growing a baby takes a lot of energy, plus were all having less sleep, restless nights etc! Bit crappy really!

I got prescribed iron tablets last week but ive been so busy with mum and o that I havent taken them. I must start no wonder im so tired!

mummy to ds 11/7/11
pregnant *team pink* due 12/9/13
It can go up and down with energy levels. I have had bad weeks and better ones too. It doesn't mean your are low on iron or anything. Perhaps you had a busier week or maybe the baby had a growth spurt.
I've been taking spatone daily, and although my iron levels are really good, I sure as hell noticed a drop in energy and increase in tiredness when I kept forgetting to take it over a couple of weeks. So I think any extra iron can only be a good thing.

baby giz born 6th Feb 2011
next one due 12th Aug 2013

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