Problems with midwife


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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My midwife is a nice person and all but Im a bit concerned that she isnt giving me the care I should be getting :?

First of all, I mentioned to her at my last check up that Im worried my bump is quite big and she just brushed it off and said not to worry. I also told her I thought I may be anaemic again but she said my bloods when I had my booking appointment (at 8 weeks!!!) were fine so I couldnt be!

Then I saw her at about 28 weeks when I assumed she would do my routine 28 week bloods but she didnt.

After some spotting last week I ended up in the Pregnancy Assessment Unit at the hospital and while I was there 3 different midwives said Im measuring really big and they said I needed a growth scan.

When I went for the scan on Monday they asked why I hadnt had my routine bloods done. Anyway, they did them and I rang up for the results today and it turns out Im anaemic after all!

Im just so angry that my normal midwife hasnt been listening to me! :|
I think you should call and change your midwife hun, she may be really nice but she is defintely not giving you the right care!!

You have the right to change your mw, and I definitely think you should exercise it :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I know the feeling and it seems quite common. I think with the shortage of midwifes they really don't seem to give people the care and attention they need. I know mine as been pretty crap!

I said at my 20 week apt i thought i was aneamic. Having had a history of anaemia which i pointed out at my booking in apt. She said it was normal to be breathless and dizzy! At my next apt at 24ish weeks i saw a different midwife and said again i was short of breath etc. She gave me iron as a precaution and said they will do my bloods at my next apt.

So i had them done at my 28 week apt and lo and behold i am anaemic. Still.

My midwife refered me to the hospital and all they have done is look at me as if i shouldn't be there and increase my iron to 3 tabs a day.

Which to be honest the midwife could have done. So i get the feeling she just palmed me off and couldn't be bothered to do anything about my blood.

Its terrible isn't it.

I don;t know what to suggest as i also feel my care has been poor.

I am not suprised you are angry.I am with Em ask for another m/w...I don't have some amazing connection with my m/w but we get along fine . she is efficeint and gets everything done.I would rather have that than a nice m/w anyday.
Im not even sure any other midwives are available at my doctors surgery though. My appointments are always on Friday afternoons and thats when she's there, I've never seen anyone other than her :?

I wish I could have all my check ups at the Antenatal ward at hospital, they do everything properly and I feel much more at ease with them.
maybe speak to the practise manager about you concerns ,She may be able to advise you.

How aweful i really hope you manage to see somone else, its nto fair that your not recieving the proper care. Hopefully she wiil feel bad when she finds out you were right and maybe she will listen to you more now.
wow i would be angry too. hope u get her sorted or u get another one xx
:hug: Kirsty :hug:
It's a terrible shame that you feel your MW isn't doing all she can for you, I think it's very sad to hear mumstobe say they feel their MW's don't listen. As others have said I would look into seeing if there's other MW's at your surgery, and as for the results you've had which back up your concerns, go see your GP as he/she will have the ability to send you for necessary scans, and hopefully ease your mind in the process while taking care of you to a degree you're satisfied with, which is the least they should be doing already :hug:
i know what you mean...

my last app was not the best one, it lasted for about 4 Min's may be even less... this is the one with the trainer midwife... that could even feel my tummy and said she couldn't find my baby.. then used a doppler and could not use it right :wall: anyway

they was no question asked, didn't examine properly, i just felt like they couldn't be brothered to see me

and the real midwife was they just looking out of the window :x

but hun if you feel that you are not getting the care you need then speak up.. they just see to many people in one day and have too many question thrown at them :hug: :hug:
I've given up asking mine questions. She makes me feel like another statistic and doesnt seem bothered about much :roll:
x-kirsty-x said:
I've given up asking mine questions. She makes me feel like another statistic and doesnt seem bothered about much :roll:

i know what you mean.... i feel the same, when i wait in the waiting room i'm the youngest one :roll: and i feel that everyone is thinking... oh well not another one :wall:
Defo speak to your GP or somebody else and get your midwife changed. I did that in my first trimester, everybody was helpful in resolving the situation and I switched to a team of different midwives. I'm so glad I had the courage to do that.

You deserve better treatment.
Bagpuss17 said:
Defo speak to your GP or somebody else and get your midwife changed. I did that in my first trimester, everybody was helpful in resolving the situation and I switched to a team of different midwives. I'm so glad I had the courage to do that.

You deserve better treatment.

Thanks :hug:

Im going to talk to the receptionist and see what I can do about it :)

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