OMG! Man slips on grape and sues!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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A man slipped on a grape in an M&S carpark and is taking them to court!!!! :shock:

The world is going mad!!!!!

I'm going to Londis in a bit :think: might take a sneaky banana skin with me :lol:
:wall: This type of thing annoys me, and I bet he's the same man that complains this country has gone PC mental but it's because idiots like him it has gone this way.

I think M&S should sue him for squashing one of their grapes :roll:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
:wall: This type of thing annoys me, and I bet he's the same man that complains this country has gone PC mental but it's because idiots like him it has gone this way.

I think M&S should sue him for squashing one of their grapes :roll:

haha they're not just any old grapes, they're M&S grapes :rotfl:

BTW the man is an accountant :bored:
How silly

I wonder how much he will get


I remember when i was younger, nicking the grapes in M&S
Eating them as we went round :rotfl:
lfc_sarah said:
How silly

I wonder how much he will get


I remember when i was younger, nicking the grapes in M&S
Eating them as we went round :rotfl:

Naughty girl! :shakehead:

I think the man wants quite alot of money because he has a poorly ickle leg :(
I've jjust been having a think about this, how the **** do you slip on a grape :rotfl:
thats it man i'm calling claims direct about
the time i slipped on a wet floor in sainsburys!

silly man i hope he gets laughed outta court!
lou said:
lfc_sarah said:
How silly

I wonder how much he will get


I remember when i was younger, nicking the grapes in M&S
Eating them as we went round :rotfl:

Naughty girl! :shakehead:



They always tasted nicer than bought ones

Weird :rotfl:
This is stupidly common! :roll: There are loads of cases where people have sued tesco and sainsburys etc for slipping on grapes in store - thats why they have those green mats on the floor around the fruit in the shops!

I know of cases where people have got loads of money for it (Im in the Legal industry) so I wouldnt be suprised if he comes away minted....although Im not sure the argument is as strong that M&S should have cleared up the grape if it was in the carpark!
My nan once fell over in a supermarket but she wouldn't sue because like she said 'accidents happen'. I have an old friend who fell over in the street and sued the council for having uneven paving. She got a few grand. It pissed me off because she's huge and although the paving was uneven it was the weight of her falling that broke her ankle :roll:

Oh and as for how he slipped on the grape did you ever see the mutant grapes I had a while back from tesco's? I posted a picture of them and they were masoooooove. If you didn't slip on them you'd trip over them at least :shock:
but in the car park? was he wearing old man slippers or something?! tell him to buy some real fuck shoes with non slip soles on them.

oh, and a life.
one of my old clients that tried to sue my work because we fitted him a new tyre and he had a blowout afterwards.... never mind the fact he had driven from Aberdeen to ITALY before it blew out!! Needless to say he was laughed out of court.... but the same man successfully sued a local swimming pool for catching a veruca (sp?) after being in their pool

:roll: :roll: Rediculous!
leckershell said:
but in the car park? was he wearing old man slippers or something?! tell him to buy some real f**k shoes with non slip soles on them.

oh, and a life.

He's an acountant so he was probably wearing sandles and socks :roll:
nothing wrong with finance geeks yes, ahem that's me... :oops:

but really... does he not have 1.enough money, 2.anything better to do with his time?!

oh and if anyone's interested, if you can prove a supermarket carwash damaged your car you can get repairs paid for as long as you mention it at the time. they have a carwash damage form. well, morrisons do ;) you won't believe the bollocks reports of them i used to read. (pulled my entire wheel arch off - yeah im sure it did mate :fib: )
If I was say at Ikea and something fell from a shelf in the warehouse bit onto my head I would sue their arse's off but if I was say in Morrisons and I slipped on a grape I would sue their arses's off too. Yep you heard me right, I'd sue too! I just get pissed off when I hear about other people doing it :x

Why can't I hurt myself down the shops, god know's I'm down there enough :roll:

lou said:
If I was say at Ikea and something fell from a shelf in the warehouse bit onto my head I would sue their arse's off but if I was say in Morrisons and I slipped on a grape I would sue their arses's off too. Yep you heard me right, I'd sue too! I just get p*ssed off when I hear about other people doing it :x

Why can't I hurt myself down the shops, god know's I'm down there enough :roll:


If I fell over something in a shop I would probably blame myself for not looking where I was going but if it was a "wet floor" situation persay, with no wet floor sign I'd complain to the manager and hope for some sort of vouchers or something, not sue them. If something fell off a shelf etc or serious hurt me then that would be different.
leckershell said:
lou said:
If I was say at Ikea and something fell from a shelf in the warehouse bit onto my head I would sue their arse's off but if I was say in Morrisons and I slipped on a grape I would sue their arses's off too. Yep you heard me right, I'd sue too! I just get p*ssed off when I hear about other people doing it :x

Why can't I hurt myself down the shops, god know's I'm down there enough :roll:


If I fell over something in a shop I would probably blame myself for not looking where I was going but if it was a "wet floor" situation persay, with no wet floor sign I'd complain to the manager and hope for some sort of vouchers or something, not sue them. If something fell off a shelf etc or serious hurt me then that would be different.

Yeah me too. I was just messing :roll: I would sue though if it injured me so much it effected my life, if I couldn't care for Isaac for example. I'm not sure exactly how injured this grape guy is. We are all slating him and the poor bloke has probably lost a leg or something :shock:

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