I put a note in to the GP today for a repeat prescription of the test strips for my blood glucose as I have gestational diabetes. I got a phonecall from the in-house pharmacist to say that as they lost the letter from the diabetic clinic and have no proof I am diabetic they are refusing to prescribe them!!!
I rang and left a message for the diabetes team and rang my mw unit. Had a message from diabetes team to say they had faxed something to my doctors and my mw rang back to say she was told she would get a call back and they (GP's) didn't bother and are now closed.
I am going to be stressing about this all weekend now I don't understand how my GP's can refuse to prescrie something they have prescribed already and why on earth they think I would be asking for them if I didn't need them
With hubby away for another two weeks yet I feel so alone and with no support and stressed out with all the normal day to day stuff without anything extra 
I rang and left a message for the diabetes team and rang my mw unit. Had a message from diabetes team to say they had faxed something to my doctors and my mw rang back to say she was told she would get a call back and they (GP's) didn't bother and are now closed.
I am going to be stressing about this all weekend now I don't understand how my GP's can refuse to prescrie something they have prescribed already and why on earth they think I would be asking for them if I didn't need them