OMG GP's being terrible I don't need this stress


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2008
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I put a note in to the GP today for a repeat prescription of the test strips for my blood glucose as I have gestational diabetes. I got a phonecall from the in-house pharmacist to say that as they lost the letter from the diabetic clinic and have no proof I am diabetic they are refusing to prescribe them!!!
I rang and left a message for the diabetes team and rang my mw unit. Had a message from diabetes team to say they had faxed something to my doctors and my mw rang back to say she was told she would get a call back and they (GP's) didn't bother and are now closed.
I am going to be stressing about this all weekend now I don't understand how my GP's can refuse to prescrie something they have prescribed already and why on earth they think I would be asking for them if I didn't need them :think: With hubby away for another two weeks yet I feel so alone and with no support and stressed out with all the normal day to day stuff without anything extra :cry:
:hug: :hug: :hug:

How annoying and stupid of them! It's just not acceptable at all and i would make a compliant to PALS if i was you. You really shouldn't be in this situation. Has your midwife offered any sort of help with what to do over the weekend?
I don't run out until Thurs morning providing I don't mess one up or need to do any extra readings. So glad I put the request in early now you need to give 48 hours notice and I thought I would collect Tues when I have a mw appt. I have no idea what I am to do if the GP doesn't budge though I will ring Monday and find out whats happening I spose
If they wont help you go straight to your local hospital and they will sort you a precription out. Then as suggested i would be complaining to PALS
Sorry being thick but what is PALS?

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