OMG! 6 hours! Now in a dilemma...


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2011
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E slept from 9pm til 3am last night!! Longest amount since she was born!!!! Hoping this is the start of something but trying not to get my hopes up.

My dilemma is that we've bought her a crib as she's busting out of her moses basket. But I don't want to swap to the crib tonight if it's going to disturb what could be the start of a longer sleeping pattern. But what if the increased room in the crib means she would sleep better anyway??!! Don't know what to do!!
Put the Moses basket inside the crib for 1st night then maybe try her in it night after? Good luck
If you can without disturbing her put her to sleep in the moses basket then transfer her to the crib so she wakes up in it.

Way to go on the 6 hours!!!!! :pompom: xxxxxxxxxxx
Get you and Evie!! So jealous we went backwards last night (though I'm blaming it in an early growth spurt!!)

How about trying her in it for naps during the day- even if it's only one to see how she goes

Have to say don't think Harry noticed the difference.

Could also do as BB said and put him to sleep in Moses then transfer to crib when asleep?

Just make sure you warm the crib with hot water bottle etc first xx
I wouldn't change tonight. Out of curiosity how much bigger is the crib to the Moses basket? I've got a cot bed but it's in his room and I don't want him to go in there yet :-/ xx
We put kayla in her cot about that age and she slept better from day 1

id give it a go . Maybe if she starts stirring before 3 pop in a dummy if you use one and
see if she settle for another hour r so
Yeah we got the Mothercare swinging crib but got it el cheapo from the local paper small ads - £25!! Bought a new mattress from Babies r us as they have 20% off at the moment. x
I'd go for it :) could try napping in it today and see how that goes?


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Alexander's been in his cot bed from 2 days old, and when he was poorly in hospital he wouldn't settle because their beds were smaller and more enclosed. Like the others have said, maybe try her during the day? Then it doesn't matter so much if she's unsettled. Xx
If u can scrape DH off the sofa to move our bedroom furniture, Henry will be in his crib for the first time tonight. I got a swinging crib for £18 off of Facebook swop shop and just bought a new mattress.

The Moses basket mattress I bought was 67 x 30, the vrib mattress I just got is 90 x 40 so it's a fair but bigger. U think henry will sleep just as well, if not better as he will have more room as he stirs in his basket cos he can't move!

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