
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: I sooo wish I hadn't clicked on that link :shock: :shock:

*walks off twitching*
:cry: :cry: :cry: ya nutter!! wot on earth did you post that for!!

Keep thinking I can feel things in my ear now :(
it's like when people come home from holidays abroad and find they have maggots in their heads.. :shock:

gross :puke:
I know, it's HORRIBLE!!

Typical little lad though, takes them to school to show all his mates!
ewww ewww ewww!!! now im all itchy :puke:

Jesse was given the spiders - now both dead - as a souvenir and has taken them to school to show his pals.
saw this on GMTV this morning - one of the spiders had died but the other one was still alive :shock: :puke:
I cant click the link, if its what I think it is I'll have nightmares for months, seriously.....when I was about 19 I had a fruit fly trapped in my ear for 6 hours - alive and very active - it had gotten right down as far as it could go and I had to have my ear syringed 20 times before it finally stopped, I was a fascination to the other docs at A&E. It stopped but they couldnt find it and I had to be transfered to another hospital that had better imaging equipment to see if it was still there, in which case I would have had to have a minor op to remove it. Luckily they couldnt see it so sent me home, but I had nightmares for months that it had laid eggs in there and even now I have to sleep with the quilt over my ears, and go mad at the slightest itch in my ear :oops:

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