Ollies wind...


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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is so much better!! Everyone always said that at around 12 weeks things will improve but i didnt really beleive them when poor Ollie was screaming every night.

The change now is amazing.. i just raise him up and he burps and i no longer have him screaming every evening. Dont get me worng he usually has a little cry but nothing like it was.

So for those with a colicy baby.. trust me.. at around 12 weeks you wont recognise your baby. I must sound really awful saying this but im enjoying Ollie so much more now. I loved him to bits then but it was such hard work!

Thanks to all of you that have got us through it with great advice!

Claire x
Its same here hun! She only ten weeks but she at the stage where I just sit her upright and she burps herself!

Im so happy you are having a better time of it hun!
People are right, the first 12 weeks are a nightmare! And Im enjoying Isla much more now too! :cheer:
im am SOOOOOO happy for you. you deserved a break crying babies are hard work and you can enjoy Ollie a lot more now rather than having to constantly worry about him being distressed.
really pleased must be such a relief!

:dance: :dance:
oh thats great to hear :hug: :hug:

Euan seems to have enormous amounts of wind....both ends! :lol: we too get the screams in the early evening...not nice to hear at all...poor wee man :(

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