Old Wives Tales

Hahahaha love the little poems.

63% chance of a boy......which probably means girl lmao

Good luck on your scan xxxxxxxxxx
Everyone I know is convinced I'm having a boy except my best friend. If she's right I'll never hear the end of it lmao xxxxxxxxx
53% chance of a girl here lol
Predicted 53% a girl. The Oh reckons a girl I will never hear the last of it if he is bloody right!!!! Although I would secretly quite like a girl. lol
Mine said 53% girl which agrees with my scan.
80% Girl, chinese calender also predicts im having a girl and that has been right twice before for me lol x
I got 85% girl...but I'm having a boy...well I hope I am with the amount of blue I have brought since the scan!!
i got 60% chance of a girl, long time to find out though and we all think its a boy. xx
60% girl for me! Hope so, need more girls inthis household!!!!!x

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