Old wives tales....


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2010
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Ok girls, hit me with every old wives tale youve heard that apparently brings on labour PLEASE!!!

Ive been in extreme agony for too long now and I cant take it anymore, Im on the verge of shoving my hand up and pulling him out!

I know I shouldnt really moan cause Im not even at my due date now but I honestly cant take anymore pain and just want to have my baby already, please help!


swallowing semen


birthing ball


lots of fresh pineapple

clary sage oil (bathing in)

none worked for me! (gave no.2 a miss!!)
I think Ill pass on no2 aswell!! VILE! Though it did make me giggle!
Right Im gonna try all of them tonight :)
Where can I get clary sage oil? Ive never even heard of it lol
Even if none of them work at least it gives me something to do to pass the time!x
you can it get from holland and barrett hun and I think you can put up to 10 drops in oyur bath or you can burn it in an oil burner!

I heard that mixing it with lavender oil is good too as it really relaxes you!

Also castor oil & orange juice
A friend of mine went for a jog! lol I wont be trying this one but it worked for her!
Hmmm jogging may be a bit difficult, I might get black eyes!
Drinking castor oil and orange juice???? Why cant it be nice things that help!!
Oooh will pop up to H&B now and get some :) x
What about acupuncture? Or accupressure?
Don't do the castor oil! It'll just make u have a very nasty case of the runs!

Clary sage oil stinks! I had a bath last night and it didn't seem to do much. Apparently it works better if you expose yourself to it while having braxton hicks - it makes the contractions stronger. So I'm gonna try sniffing it on a hanky later when I get my braxtons.
Eurgh I really cant imagine drinking the stuff, I think Ill pass on that one too then!
Ill try all the clary sage oil ideas, maybe one of them will work!
Im gonna look into that now Mrs B!

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