Old wife tales??


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2011
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Are any of you lovely ladies taking any natural measures to help with labour? I'm taking evening primrose oil capsules and eaten fresh pineapple! Do u reckon they are just old wife tales? This is my third pregnancy and I never tried anything with otherv2 boys? Xx
Well ive been doing both of the above as well as walking, bouncing on my ball and dtd and i'm still here with no sign of going anywhere soon. The only thing is that my cervix has thinned out which i am putting down to the above. I don't think there is any harm in trying it hun - everyone is different and may do the trick nicely for you :) xx
I tried the perri perri extra extra hot chilli sauce the other day... Didn't work for me lol xx
aaaw Alicia u poor thing that did make me laugh though ! xx
I think I will try it all when I am closer to my EDD.... EPO, raspberry leaf tea, hot sauce, DTD.... xx
Remind me what the evening primrose craic is again?...

I'm not trying rasp leaf tea as i read somewhere that you should avoid it if you or close family has history of fibroids. Which my mum and her sis have had to have hysterectomies over.

My biology teacher friend said its only when pineapple is heated up that the enzyme is released. An excuse for ham and pineapple pizza?!!
Our midwife said I'd have to eat 7 whole pineapples a day to get enough of the enzyme to have an effect!! And for DTD she said we'd need to do it every 4 hours - even hubby said he didn't think he'd be able to manage that!!

I'm going to give raspberry leaf tea a try though x
RLT doesn't induce labour it just helps make the cervix more flexible :)

I have tried so far, RLT, EPO, Pineapple, dtd, lots of walking and maypole dancing :)

Nothin doing :)


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