OK, so what does morning sickness feel like?


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2011
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I'm currently feeling really weird and I can't decide if I'm just hungry or if it's the start of morning sickness!

You know that feeling of nausea you can get if you get really hungry - at least that's what happens to me if I miss a meal. Well that's how I've been feeling most of the day. If I have something to eat it subsides for a little while, but then comes back again. Which is why I'm wondering if I'm just really hungry for some reason and I'm reading too much into it because I'm waiting for the MS to start, or whether this really is it?

I've been eating little and often throughout the day, but put something more substantial on for tea, so I'll see how I get on, but I was just wondering how this has felt for other people?

Sounds familiar! I've spent most of today feeling hungover. I thought I actually was going to be sick this morning but wasn't. Ginger really helps me with it x
Oh no, that sound very much like how I felt early on. Hopefully you'll not get full blown MS because it really does kick your arse.
Hey guys.. i'm new at this and i'm 7 weeks pregnant with my first child. i was just wondering wht my chances where of miscarrying?xx
Thanks girls. There's part of me that thinks I just want to actually throw up so I feel a bit of relief and know it's actually morning sickness, but obviously the realistic side of me wants this to stay away as long as possible. I'm not good with being sick, I usually gag at just the thought of someone else being sick, but I guess I'm going to have to get over this once there's a little one to look after!
I have spent the last 6/7 weeks feeling exactly like that. I am so hungry all of the time, I dont know what to eat as i seem to be off most things especially meat. The constant hunger just makes the nausea even worse. Sounds defo like morning sickness ( i have only been sick 2-3 times in these weeks).
You know that feeling of nausea you can get if you get really hungry - at least that's what happens to me if I miss a meal. Well that's how I've been feeling most of the day.

Yup, I've been feeling just like that for 2 weeks. Along with the sudden aversion to fish, rice cakes and my dog. Blargh.
Yep that's pretty much how I was feeling at 5-6 weeks sounds like it could be start of morning sickness, mine felt like constant car sickness at first, fx for you that you don't start being sick and it goes away for you! Keep keep keep eating and drinking no matter how bad you feel as it does help! I'm still living with it at 20 weeks been sick 5 times already today :(
You have just described how ive been feeling for about a week now and the girls are right it gets better when you eat something xxx
Thanks everyone it's good to know I'm not imagining it iykwim! Bunnykins, your ms sounds terrible, I really hope it subsides for you soon x
Yep! mornin sickness. I have been feeling exactly like that for weeks now. Constantly feeling like i am going to throw up. Cant face food at all... especially meat... salt and vinegar crisps and croissants are keeping me sane!! Just cant wait for next few weeks and hopefully in tri 2 it will have gone!!
The guys are right, little and often with the food keeps it away for a while!! and eating something before you get out of bed even if its just a biscuit or two....

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