Ok girls one of you slap me please........................


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2012
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Morning girls hope you are all well

Can one or more of you slap me and tell me to get a grip.

I am getting myself all worked up ....................Im worried that there is no minion in my belly, that Ive done something to harm it and I know I havent but for some reason Im really anxious. Think I must just be overthinking you have heard of bridezillas well I think im mumtobezilla.

I still have the sickness at various times of the day and still up through the night to pee.

I have cut out a lot of fizzy drinks as I really dont want to drink it now theres a minion to consider but sometimes it is the only thing that settles my stomach/sickness and now Im worried Im doing harm. I probably drink more milk than fizzy juice in a day by a long way so I think I am just worrying over nothing.

Roll on 19th March

Let the slapping commence xx
Get a grip! :D

Only joking hun :) it is like pot calling kettle black for me to say that as I'm just as bad, I worry day and night!

You are feeling sick and tired, that's not nornal unless there is defo a baby in your belly hun :) fizzy drinks will not harm baba at all, they aren't on any of the lists of things you're not allowed!

Its defo just the Tri 1 worry hun, we all get it, but in a few weeks you'll be in Tri 2 and it will be much more chilled out :D xxx
Thanks chick thats exactly what I needed to hear to get a grip :thanks:as I knew deep down it was all normal and was being a worrier for nothing

Seeing midwife tomorrow and I know her from whhen I used to work at the doctors so know she will also have a calming effect on me

Thanks again xx
You will be fine! No need to worry! Not going to slap you cos you dont deserve it, you are behaving in a normal way! We all worry about similar things, think that comes part and parcel with being pregnant!

The fizzy drinks aren't going to harm your minion but if you wanted to cut the sugary fizz out try fresh juice topped up with soda water...that way you will still get all the fizz!

Im only two days ahead of you and im exactly the same even after an early scan and seeing bubba, i think its a tri 1 thing were we all worry over the littlest things not long til tri 2 (although i still think im going to worry) and the fizzy thing dont worry about it, i am a bartender in a night club and have to have 2/3 small glasses a shift to keep myself awake xx
i worried all through my pregnancy, i had cramping all the time in the first trimester and thought i was going to miscarry, i was also told at 20 weeks that something might be wrong with her brain which was later found to be a mistake! but i gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl in October 2011.
I was terrible when i was pregnant i drank no fizzy drinks, no coffee or tea or anything i was over the top!! looking back now i wish i had just calmed down and enjoyed my pregnancy because i really miss it now and my little girl is getting so big!!
whatever you do dont google things because i used to make myself sick with worry, my mum and boyfriend banned me from google in the end as i was making my self so worried!
your bubba is fine :)
You will be fine! No need to worry! Not going to slap you cos you dont deserve it, you are behaving in a normal way! We all worry about similar things, think that comes part and parcel with being pregnant!

The fizzy drinks aren't going to harm your minion but if you wanted to cut the sugary fizz out try fresh juice topped up with soda water...that way you will still get all the fizz!


Thanks chick

I got in a panic for some reason thinking I was doing harm and also the fact I wa sonly up once through the night to pee was worrying me but when i think about it I only went to bed at half 11 and was up at half 3 then up for work at half 6 so no time to be up thrice like the nite before lol

never been a fan of soda water but I will give that a try......I think I should invest in my own cow aswell the amount of milk im drinking lol xx
i worried all through my pregnancy, i had cramping all the time in the first trimester and thought i was going to miscarry, i was also told at 20 weeks that something might be wrong with her brain which was later found to be a mistake! but i gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby girl in October 2011.
I was terrible when i was pregnant i drank no fizzy drinks, no coffee or tea or anything i was over the top!! looking back now i wish i had just calmed down and enjoyed my pregnancy because i really miss it now and my little girl is getting so big!!
whatever you do dont google things because i used to make myself sick with worry, my mum and boyfriend banned me from google in the end as i was making my self so worried!
your bubba is fine :)

God you must have been so scared when they told you there might be something wrong and they caused you a whole lot of worry for nothing

I have never drank tea or coffee so just the fizzy to worry about might invest in J20 as the apple and raspberry ones are lush and so refreshing with loadsa ice

Im the same when it comes to google and I really shouldnt......the last thing I googled before i was pregnant was a video of the trigger finger surgery I was going to have and omg I thought I was going to be sick when they started the op as thought there would be loads of blood which there wasnt so I might just put a ban on googling pregnancy related things from now on haha xx
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another good fizzy drink to try is Appletize...there's actually a coupon in the 1st bounty pack you get from midwife when you have booking in appointment for a bottle of this...apparantly 1 bottle of that counts as one of your 5 a day!
Thanks will look out for that tomorrow as seeing midwife at 1pm for booking appt no blood tests though as no way of them getting to the labs on a friday afternoon - quite excited about seeing the midwife now to get things rolling id better remember and fill in and take notes they gave me x
Im only two days ahead of you and im exactly the same even after an early scan and seeing bubba, i think its a tri 1 thing were we all worry over the littlest things not long til tri 2 (although i still think im going to worry) and the fizzy thing dont worry about it, i am a bartender in a night club and have to have 2/3 small glasses a shift to keep myself awake xx

Thanks chick I feel really reassured after posting and hearing all the replies that its normal to worry. I think thats why I am a bit tired more than usual as when I got tired at work or at home Id go for a bottle of lucozade and ive had two bottles since finding out so probably bit of withdrawel symptoms too heehee xx

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