Could any of you . . . .

I just don't feel sexy at the moment, I think that's half the trouble. I had a bit of a moan at OH the other day saying that I spend the majority of my day either hanging over the toilet being sick, feeling bloated and trying to go to the toilet but not being able to for love nor money (sorry!), wanting to cry at how beautiful Austin Healy's dance was on Strictly or wanting to tear up complete strangers because their breath smells or something! I AM NOT UP FOR IT!!!

But yes, they do have a hard time of it. I tried to explain that he only feels excitement at the thought of being a Dad, he doesn't actually FEEL pregnant and have to go through the ups and downs every day. I explained that I'm not CHOOSING to feel or act like this and that it upsets me too because I can feel that I'm not right but I can't seem to stop it...

Perhaps when women are pregnant we should be sent off to health spas to relax and be pampered for 9 months or some sort of expectant mother lovely a thought is that?!.......

x x x
I just don't feel sexy at the moment, I think that's half the trouble. I had a bit of a moan at OH the other day saying that I spend the majority of my day either hanging over the toilet being sick, feeling bloated and trying to go to the toilet but not being able to for love nor money (sorry!), wanting to cry at how beautiful Austin Healy's dance was on Strictly or wanting to tear up complete strangers because their breath smells or something! I AM NOT UP FOR IT!!!

aww hunny, that sums it all up for me too :hug: i'm lucky i've not had my head kicked in as i have turned into a right bitch and saying things i shouldnt and wouldnt normally!
i used to smoke but now i pass smokers with my hand over my nose giving them filthy looks and then calling them dirty barstewards even when they can hear :oops:
i cant seem to be nice to anyone these days - i just hate everybody :rotfl:
HollyHobby said:
i used to smoke but now i pass smokers with my hand over my nose giving them filthy looks and then calling them dirty barstewards even when they can hear :oops:
i cant seem to be nice to anyone these days - i just hate everybody :rotfl:

OH MY GOD! :rotfl: :rotfl: I used to smoke too but now I turn my nose up dramtically at the smelly gits! Filthy habit! :rotfl:

Hubby keeps moaning how tired he is! Is he freaking kidding me? If I yawn (which I believe I'm entitled to do as I'm working, cleaning, cooking AND MAKING A BABY :twisted: ) and say I'm tired, he'll have to go one better and say he's 'absolutely shattered' like its some kind of competition!
lmao my hubby does the competition thing as well - bear in mind i cant keep a thing down and i :puke: nearly everyday and sometimes 4 or 6 times a day and have done for a month --- - he FELT sick the other day :roll: :wall:
HollyHobby said:
lmao my hubby does the competition thing as well - bear in mind i cant keep a thing down and i :puke: nearly everyday and sometimes 4 or 6 times a day and have done for a month --- - he FELT sick the other day :roll: :wall:

Yeah but if you say anything he'll say it's 'sympathy sickness'. :roll:
Oh girls you are making my day!!! You have made me feel SOOOOO much better about everything knowing that I'm feeling normal kind of thing!!! As normal as we are at the moment!!

I thought I'd be a rebel the other day and have a glass of wine thinking that everything in moderation will be fine and all that.... yeah afterwards I felt SO ill and I haven't been able to even THINK about alcohol since then....Christmas is going to be strange not drinking... Just wish I could be my normal self again for one day....smoke some fags, drink some beers and not cry!!! lol...

x x x
My poor hubby bemoaned the other day; 'I can't do anything right.' So I told him; 'No, you're right, you can't' :oops:

I've even had to avoid the forum more than usual cause EVERYTHING is winding me up :oops: :shhh:
So far my hubby isn't annoying's just my boss...I want to scratch her eyes out!! I don't know what it is about her that's really getting to me at the moment but i'm literally having to bite my lip...which is getting sore now! I don't say something that'll get me sacked!!

I just come home and rant to my DH about what a dappy b*tch she is!!
i agree short fuse is the word!! i have to bite my tongue a lot lately! :lol:
I've found a way to cure the agression - BE ALONE! :D

Hubby has gone out for the night and I'm on the sofa watching crap on tele. And loving every minute!

No schmucks knocking about to annoy me just me and my crisp sandwich YUM (v.healthy :roll: )

But I just know I'm going to be ROYALLY p*ssed of when he staggers through the door later drunk and making enough noise to wake the dead! :twisted: :twisted:
This thread has given me a right giggle :lol: I am the most impatient bad tempered person to walk the earth when I'm not pregnant, can you imagine what I'm like now!! :lol: Hubby said that the name 'mad cow disease' is more apt for pregnant women :shakehead:
Snuggle said:
This thread has given me a right giggle :lol: I am the most impatient bad tempered person to walk the earth when I'm not pregnant, can you imagine what I'm like now!! :lol: Hubby said that the name 'mad cow disease' is more apt for pregnant women :shakehead:

:rotfl: has he woken up yet?...i presume you punched him!! :lol:
HannahD said:
Snuggle said:
This thread has given me a right giggle :lol: I am the most impatient bad tempered person to walk the earth when I'm not pregnant, can you imagine what I'm like now!! :lol: Hubby said that the name 'mad cow disease' is more apt for pregnant women :shakehead:

:rotfl: has he woken up yet?...i presume you punched him!! :lol:

It made me laugh :lol:
I have got ZERO patience. Anybody who faffs around near me I get so annoyed I could snap. This isn't going down well at work but do you know what I'm not even trying to reign it in!!!! :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil:

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