OK drama no 2 and Im worried again *UPDATED in first post*


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2007
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here goes...

ok so last week theyw ere telling me i almost certainly had GD...

had test they came back normal..

Had a call from my GP this morning saying there is an antibody present in my blood..... (im rhesus negative and have been having AntiD injections last of which was on Monday)

So now I have to get my blood tested again on Tuesday....

Im worn out with it all and just want my baby to be well and healthy...

I was sooo relieved to find out I dont have GD and now this would be even worse!!!!!!!! :( :( :( :(


Stupid stupid stupid doctor!!!!! :x :wall: :roll:

I was so worried overnight that I had injured the baby and thats how our bloods had mixed etc that I called the midwife this morning.
She said it sounded odd about finding an antibody in my blood so called the blood bank.
She called me back and told me the antibody they had found was the AntiD which is perfectly normal and good as its shows its present in my blood!!!! She was so annoyed on my behalf that the GP had worried me and so said she would call and tell them what happened!!!
Can you believe it what an idiot!!!
She told me to cancel the further blood test as there was no need and everything was as it should be....

So all that worry for NOTHING yet again!!!!!! :x :x :x

Please may I now learn to not get sooo worked up by these things and may the idiots who are sent to try me please be warned that I will crack their tiny heads open if they tell me my baby is in jeopardy without damn good reason!!!! :wall:

So relieved yet peed off with people interfering with me and my little one when clearly we are doing just fine
:moon: :moon:
Babe i'm 0- too and get the dreaded 'pricks'....don't think there's too much to worry about this time if u have anti-bodies - just another prick after birth, think its more for next pregnancy...u will need to have them regularly. Pretty sure this is how they explained it... :hug:
let us know how it goes :hug:
its horrible how panicky you feel when theres any suggestion something might be wrong :hug: :hug: hope all is ok for you
I'm glad all the stress is over and everything is fine - but you must be raging! I know I would be :evil:
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
just glad you're ok hon - how stressful for you though :hug: :hug:

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