

Well-Known Member
May 6, 2011
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Where do yours sleep?

I have only just got back with Ella's dad, so for the last 6 months I have been alone every night with her in my bedroom and we have a routine..

She goes to bed around 8pm, she wakes for a feed between 4 and 6 and then she comes in to my bed until around 8ish (Don't want to be told off for co-sleeping please!)

Problem I have is if I let OH back into my bed...I wont be able to put Ella in with me in the morning and I dont want to stop, I love morning snuggles with her but I wouldnt feel comfortable having her inbetween us, she has the whole other side of the bed to herself! Also, he would disturb her when he gets up for work..

Do you think its fair to ask him to stay in the spare room until I decide to move Ella into her own room?
I co-slept until C was just over 6 months old, oh slept in the other room so he could get a good nights sleep and I also wanted more room in the bed. OH is back in with me now so I just bring C in for his feeds then put him back in his cot.

Could he stay in the room with you til early morning then move into spare room when E wakes for her feed? Or maybe he would be ok in the spare room as means he gets full nights sleep? When are you thinking of moving her into her own room?
Sometimes I take G in beside us if she's restless after her last feed - so usually about 5.30ish. Basically cos she goes back to sleep but sometimes very noisily (only after this feed for some reason).

But if DH is still in bed, I make him move right over, so he is nearly on the edge, then I get snuggled up beside him and G has nearly half the bed to herself. Putting then between you I don't think is advised with any co-sleeping arrangement. Xxx
I dont know when I will be putting her in her own cot tbh, she still wakes quite a lot for her dummy but will go straight back off once i give it to her, so probably when she can find it and put it back herself.

Im not in any rush to put her in her own room, I am so paranoid i am constantly listening out for her breathing even though i have the sensor mat, i dont really feel ready yet... i prob should do tho at 6 months i guess?

i could suggest moving into the spare room when she wakes, she is such a light sleeper i reckon his snoring would keep her awake too if she isnt used to hearing it!
Hubby sleeps in same bed as he can pretty much sleep thru anything!

Maybe it's worth speaking to your OH about what he thinks- so that he doesn't feel like you don't want him in your room.

As soon as H wakes up early morning and hubby is getting up for work he comes into bed with me cos I know then he'll sleep for another good hour or two
OH and I share a bed and like you LO co-sleeps for the final part of the night but OH doesn't sleep with a pillow so I put LO up high on the bed next to our heads with his own blankets. I know babies are a bit more shuffly at 6 months mind you. LO doesn't wake up with any of the alarm clocks.

HOWEVER if I had a spare room he would sleep in there because you have 3 people all waking each other up.
Yea, maybe have a chat with him and see what he thinks? I don't think there's any hurry to move her into her own room.

If C is having a restless night I co-sleep as he just seems to settle better. I have a kingsize bed, so oh and I are squashed on one side and C has the other so he has plenty of room, but when I was co-sleeping all the time it was easier for oh to be in other bedroom
I also take Ariel into bed for his last feed and he sleeps with me. DH is an amazingly still sleeper but he chooses to sleep in the living room for a good nights sleep so Ariel and I have the big bed lol! I think it is totally reasonable of you to ask oh to sleep in the spare room.
We also in the same bed x we comslept when I was BF, and sometimes still in the morning x but LO usually sleeps right through now and is in her own room so that's rare

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I needed the whole bed when I was preface so we bought another double and pushed them together so effectively we have a double each :) oh sleeps through anything! X

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I needed the whole bed when I was preface so we bought another double and pushed them together so effectively we have a double each :) oh sleeps through anything! X

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That sounds good!!! You must have a really big bedroom though I wouldn't get another single in mine let alone a double! :( xxx
I needed the whole bed when I was preface so we bought another double and pushed them together so effectively we have a double each :) oh sleeps through anything! X

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I'd love that lol!!
OH sleeps on the living room floor. He's an engineer and travels up and down the country so can't afford to be tired. I miss him! But when I hear him snoring through the wall I feel pretty thankful!

I had Albert in bed with us once, OH snored really loudly and got a baby punch to the eye lol. Serves him right for making Bertie jump :D. At the weekends when I get up to do the morning bottle my OH takes Bertie into the bed with him and they have a little chat lol
He sleeps with me, James sleeps in the crib next to me and comes in with us about 6ish he's never slept out of the room with either of the children he'd sleep through a hurricane and atomic bomb at the same time xxx

We are planning on getting a co sleeper cot. That and some ear plugs for my oh if he can't sleep.
He Dosent want to go sleep somewhere else when the baby will be here.
Hopefully a co sleeper cot will do the trick and we will be able to co sleep all together....
In the early days when Jack thought morning was 2am we'd have him in with us. I'd cradle him in my arm inbetween the 2 of us. He hasn't been in with us since he was about 8mths old because he sleeps through now x
My OH sleeps on the couch then when I get up he goes to bed. My LO doesn't sleep in my bed anyway so that doesn' t matter. I actually duno why OH sleeps on couch think its so he doesn't disturb us. PLus LO does alot of babbling in the morning think it annoys OH.

DH sleeps in our bed but then harrison only wakes up at 5 and he goes out for work at 6 so ne normally gets up with him and cuddles him so I can have an extra hour!! I wish that the little guy would co sleep sometimes as it would be nice not to have to get up so early with him as he is hard to settle at that time of the morning!!

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