still co sleeping :(


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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so since poppys been born and we got home iv had her in my bed at night, shell sleep very well and i guess iv just got used to having an ok nights sleep as i also have a toddler so cant really nap in the day.
last night after 3 weeks of co sleeping i tried putting her in her bed at night after her 11pm feed.
(she has a feed at around 8pm then will sleep downstairs in the moses basket until around 11pm, then will give her a feed upstairs in bed change her bum and snuggle in bed till we both fall asleep normally.)
but last night after putting her into her bed after her 11pm feed she did then sleep for around 20 mins, she then woke up looking hungry.
so offered her boob again but just kept crying at the boob, taking a few sucks and crying again.
after that i just bought her into my bed as i couldnt get her to stop crying unles i bought her into my bed.
am i doomed? have i left it too late to get her into her own bed to sleep tonight?
i no its stupid but i got really upset last night, other half got home just after midnight as hes a chef so works split shifts and for 3 weeks now i just feel like weve had no snuggle time or anything as popps is in the bed with us at night and every movement of the duvet will wake her up so have hardly any 'us' time with oh now, even just a cuddle in bed wud be lovely.

i just need some advice of a good technique to get her into her own bed at night.
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Have you tried putting a hot water bottle in the bed before she goes in to warm it up? Also putting something that smells of you in there might help. And make her bed as small as you can with blankets etc so it's snuggly and she feels 'held'.
It's probably too early for Poppy but we decided we had to let lizzie learn to settle herself so let her cry at about 6 weeks. We let her cry for 5-10 minutes before settling her (didn't pick her up though), and it took 2 hours in total but she eventually went to sleep by herself. Before that she would have to lay on one of us to sleep so we never got any couple time either!
The first few times we let her cry we put her in her carrycot in the living room with us so we were 'with her', but now I can put her in her crib awake upstairs and she normally goes to sleep within 20 mins and with hardly any crying - she just grumbles to herself.
Lilly I have same problem =/. she will only fall asleep on someone so i've taken to baby wearing during the day and putting her in her carrycot in a sleeping bag on my bed at night. she still has to fall asleep on someone but once asleep she'll happily sleep in her carrycot. xXx
today was the first day i put sofia down awake and she fell asleep without a fuss so im going to keep doing it, i think its a bit traumatic the first time you do it, but once youve succeeded once your onto a winner! x

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