OH's in the room - which end?

Little miss pink

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2006
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Hi Ladies :wave: :wave: :wave:

I just was curious as to what everyone else thoughts are on this. My OH is desperate to be at the birth of our LO and also really keen to be at the business end. Now my personal opinion (although i know this has been debated in the press recently) is that it is a Man's right to be there at the birth of his LO but my jury is out in terms of which end of the bed he should be. I'm struggling with this one as i have a few body confidence issues (you've probably heard me whamp on about my booblies already) and i think if i'm uncomfortable with it or find it stressful its my right to say for my privacy and relaxation (and future sex life) he should stay up at the top of the bed with me.

What are the rest of you all doing with regards to OH's on this topic.

Just being nosey to compare situations! am i on my own on this one?


PS - sorry i went a bit OTT with the choices :oops:
How about another option:

"My OH will be there but I have no idea which end he's going to be at I guess it depends how we feel at the time" ?

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Do you know what i did have that as an option but it said i had too many poll options so had to delete it


i could have gone on forever

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
my OH will be there and although I'd prefer him to stay up top mopping my brow I KNOW curiosity will get the better of him and he'll be watching my fanny! :roll:

Still, it's his baby and it must be amazing to watch your child be born so I can't blame him! :lol:

I can, on the other hand, YELL, KICK, BITE, SWEAR, GRAB and SQUEEZE- as much as my heart desires :wink: :rotfl:
To be very honest in the throes of labour I couldn't have cared less where OH was as long as his hand was within squeezing distance!!

He is very squeamish so had reservations about where he would be - most of the time he was at my side (I was monitored so couldn't leave the bed) but I was very surprised he watched baby's head come out! When she was born he was so gobsmacked he couldn't cut the cord so I did it instead!
Good poll LMP!

My OH will be there but NOT at the business end. We both agree on this, I think he'll invaluable as a birthing partner just not watching from that end.

I'm sure he'll see a lot more than he will have anticipated on the actual day though and TBH I probably won't care when I'm in the middle of it all.

I like to pretend to him that I want it filmed just to make him squirm. In fact I love telling him all about the gorey details of preganacy and birth :twisted:

Alex xxx
I don't want to be in a bed as such but i get the poll idea - i voted OH at my head end both of our choice!
My midwives even suggested that OH could help assist with the birth but he went very pale at that! He is a bit squeamish so we agreed it'd be better for him to be up my end (so to speak). Saying that if he changed his mind then he is welcome to be where he likes! It doesn't really bother me as long as i've got his hand to break, i mean hold.
I didn't have an OH - I had my mum

She mainly satyed at the top end but had a look as Finlay was coming out - didn't bother me by that point :lol:
my Dh wants to deliver our child and cut the cord. And then take it into work, all in the same day i swear.

He has more of a birth plan than i do!

OH wants to stay at the top end, but i've told him he's got to try and get some photos of the business end as I'd like to see what it looks like :lol:
Might be difficult though as I'm planning to birth in a pool.
Mine will be there and alternate between both ends!

sean was at the face end but I forced him to look as Harrison came out and I hurt his neck I forced him that hard :rotfl:
My choice isnt there :(

Hubby wants to get in the pool with me if its free :cheer:

If not then I hope he will be doing a mixture of top end and business end observations :D
I wanted my OH to get in the pool with me, but he was 'no way!'
He's scared of floating gunk! :lol:
what me and Oh did last time worked very well for us. :D
through all the contractions he was at the head end talking to me as i was monitored throughout BOTH of my labours :roll:
(hoping this ones different :pray: )
and when her head was crowning he went down there to watch her bein born and he cut the cord too.
i had my whole pregnancy to bond with her so i thought it'd be nice for OH to be able to see what sex she was before me and tell me so he had a few special "him and her" experiences

we plan to do the same this time round too.
My husband and i had a deal that he would stay at my head end, this was a mutual decision based on not wanting to put him off sex.

However the sneaky cheater looked. He just couldn't help himself when they said they could see the head.

He's promised it hasn't put him off and said he was surprised how natural it looked.
my hubby is planning on hovering in the doorway trying not to pass out!!!
i am hoping he will be next to me helping me threw it but i doubt it he will proberly just shout advice from the hallway :)
he means well though
manda xx
muppetmummy said:
OH wants to stay at the top end, but i've told him he's got to try and get some photos of the business end as I'd like to see what it looks like :lol:
Might be difficult though as I'm planning to birth in a pool.

snorkels and an underwater camera...
I never even thought about this until i was in labour.

My OH watched her being born and i had also had a mirror so i saw it all too, this was not something i planned to do but when i was in labour and they asked if i wanted to see it felt right. It was amazing though and im so glad i we both got to see.

When your in labour girls any body issues will go out the window you really dont care at the time.

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