ohh dear!!! :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2011
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max has been crying since yesterday early evening! the only time he stops is when hes fed. he has slept a little bit but getting him to sleep has been a massive struggle.

im putting colief in his feeds, that breaks down the lactase in milk to make it easier to digest but it looks like it could be trapped wind.... i prob shouldnt use infacol aswell as colief should i??? but infacol brings wind up and colief aids digestion.....

any ideas anyone???? the crying does stop for about 5 mins, then starts up again and its not just whimpering its full blown crying xxx
What bottles are you using?

I highly recommend that if you aren't already doing go and buy dr browns bottles. You need to use them all the time to be effective but they are amazing and really work.
What milk is he on?
And you can use infacol and colief together as they do two different jobs. Colief makes the milk easier to digest and infacol helps ease trapped wind up.
The bicycle massage is amazing! It takes a lot of attempts to get it right but once you do of really helps LO trump away!

H would fight me when I would try to do it and refuse to bend her legs, in the end she got used to it and let me do it! I slowly made bicycle motions with her legs and sang "get that pumpy out" ( don't ask lol, made up song which made her smile her little head off for some reason) after I'd done a few bicycle motions I raised both her legs towards her tummy and pressed enough for the trump to come out but not enough to hurt her. Xxx
And on top of that if you need a break from the crying, put him in a warm bath as it will help the bellyache xx
And on top of that if you need a break from the crying, put him in a warm bath as it will help the bellyache xx

Yeah I found this help too, if LO hates the bath you could always try a hot water bottle on his tummy x
i try the leg thing it doesnt seem to work but i do keep trying. ive been told about dr brown atually, im gonna give it a couple more days with trying infacol and colief at the same time then i can get those bottles if it doesnt help.

hot water bottle is a really good idea! im stopping gaviscon today as i dont think he actually has reflux (ive alreay made up the feeds without it) but worried just incase he does and i stop the gavis.... but i dont wanna be putting unecessary stuff in his bellly and it can cause constipation.!!

ahhh its so hard to know what to do!!! gaviscon or no gaviscon??? coz i can make up the night feeds with it if necessary xxx
I really think the best solution is to go for the dr browns bottles as they work by eliminating the air intake which causes the trapped wind/colic. The dr browns bottles will also fit into your usual steriliser (a few of the ladies said they'll go in the avent one and they definitely fit in the tommee tipee.
everyones suggesting this (on facebook too) so think ill do it thanks ladies xxx

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