Oh well


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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It's 4am again.....it's like being a teenager again lol except now I'm waking up instead of going to bed. I am seriously messing with the hamster's chi as he's normally the only one who's up at this time and is just sitting there staring at me lol

Lower bump is still killing me but on the plus side I had no rib pain last night and ate a massive dinner for the first time in ages with no acid or indigestion :D. It felt sooooooo good. I might regret it once it's processed but I really don't care. Albert's happily dancing away so this is probably going to be his time to wake up, might as well get used to it xxxxxxxxx
My little girl is also wide awake! I was hungry, so I'm eating a bit, hoping to Get some sleep afterwards. At least they see ed pleased in there dancing around..lol!
I woke up hungry too. I doubt I'll sleep now til later tonight, we are painting the bedroom well my OH is, me and Albert will be on coffee and bacon sarnie duty lol. I can't wait til it's all done and I can just get stuff put away
I am awake OH gets up for work in 5 mins so i will get up and have a bath when we gets up that might send me back to sleep but bugger me i have a cold which is acompanied with ear ach and its horrid it hurts so much :-( xx
Aaaww hope you feel better soon. I hate ear ache, just as bad as tooth ache imo :hug: xxxxxxxxx
Morning I'm awake too. Cramps in lower tummy work me up about 1 hour ago. Listened to hypnobirthing cd but didn't send me off again! Now leaning over the ball watching more rubbish on tv!!

:nap: would be lovely right now
My ball's buried under stuff from our bedroom, I'm sitting on the sofa looking like an earthquake victim lol. Might start knocking for a cup of coffee in a bit :D
I'm so sorry you're not feeling well mummy2b19!! Hope u feel better soon!

I'll try to go back to bed now - I have some dull ache in my belly but don't Think it means anything!!

Have a good day ladies!!!:)

Sleep well hun i am back in bed after my bath feeling very sorry for myself because aswell.as a cold and ear ach ive been sick sorry for tmi lol so now i am back in bed. My god all i seem to do atm is moan lol i promis that i will try my best to post a positive thread tonight lol xxx
Oh no hope you feel better soon.....

I'm now perving over gladiators on tv- It must be the hormones...... Lol, my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw one chap :shock:
:D men have got much better looking since I got pregnant I must admit
:D men have got much better looking since I got pregnant I must admit

that is totally the truth!!!!! I=Men I never would have fancied before are suddenly very attractive and men I used to fancy I've gone off of a bit!! Strange!!

I was awake from about 4ish but the laptop was in Dylans room but thought best not to barge in there and get it though being a teenager he probably wouldn't have woke up anyway. The pain in my foof and lower bump woke me up. :-(
Me too hun :( just could not get comfy once I woke up. Are you starting the eviction process tomorrow? xxxxxxxxx
If I can manage it I shall start tonight!!!!!! lol. `Meant to be having pork chops for tea but might get a curry sauce to put them in. Got a dvd to watch (set the mood) lol and seeing my nephews today my mum swears by holding babies as it kicks in the hormones and makes your LO jealous!!! Maybe a old wives tale but means I get baby cuddles anyway. lol
I've heard that too, although the only baby I know I could get hold of screams her head off when I pick her up cos she's breastfed and smells it :roll: I might try dtd tonight too, get some practise in lol
I got a dvd he wants to watch though the way I am with men at the mo I may find it interesting!! (Conan the Barbarian!) that and a boddingtons may work (he is a light weight with alcohol) lol. My new nephew is 2 months and is a real cuddly baby he likes to snuggle on your shoulder and nestle into your neck. Always makes me feel a little funny when he does it and AJ normally kicks off cos he can sense it so may work! lol. If you don't like it AJ you know what you can do! Me and him have had a little conversation this morning a stern one so we will see if that helps!!! lol
Lol, I've just been to my sister's and she said how much Albert's dropped the last few days. She wants him to be an April baby though but she can get stuffed lol

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