I Feel Like Crap!

cant you stop working now hun? give yourself a break? You should I think :)

you have every right to moan, as much and as often as you like :hug: :hug: making a little baby isn't easy!!
I wish I could Sarah :(

I feel I need to but.... :roll:
:( :(

make sure you rest LOTS more than you are then!! Nag, nag, nag :wink:
You'll need all your strength for labour so deserve & need to put your feet up xx
Awww Debbie :hug: :hug: :hug:

I really hope that this is your body getting ready for the main event, either way hope you are feeling better soon.

Don't worry abour moaning you are more than entitled to, this stage of pregnancy is awful :hug:
aww, im sorry youre having such a rough time . :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx
i had 2 nights like that a couple of nights ago. But i was 'okish' last night etc.
In my experience, yep the further on you are the harder it is, but you have good and bad days/nights all the time.
Hope you get a better sleep tonight :hug:

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