OH Taken to hospital!


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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At about 1pm yesterday, James was just walking out the bathroom and screamed out in pain grabbing his chest. :shock: He tried walking but the pain kept coming and said he felt like he was being stabbed in the chest! I started shaking, it was bloody scary!! Got him laid down on the bed and said I would phone NHS Direct coz the pain wasn't stopping. Could kind of guess it wasn't his heart as he was grabbing the upper right side of his chest not the left. Called them and they ran through some questions with me, then a nurse came on the line to speak to him and said she was calling an abulance to come and take him to hospital :shock:

I kept him laid on the bed and ran round grabbing our bits, wallet, keys, bag etc...and put some clothes on myself! I had taken my medication for BP a few hours before and wanted to check it before I left...178/118 :shock: Bricking myself even more then but just put it done to the worry, and concerntrated on James.

Abulance came with its flashing lights and all! They assessed him in the abulance hooked him up to a heart monitor with all these cables coming off his chest, and BP monitor etc. The pain subsided slightly, and they confirmed it was unlikely to be his heart, but suspected it was pluresy and would take him in to hospital to be assessed.

Got there and put him on a bed hooked up to machines again, took the results and said the old favourite of we would wait for a doctor to come see us.

About 1.5hrs later the pain was increasingly worse and James didn't want me to leave his side. I went to grab a nurse, and told them the pain had got worse, 3 of them came running in with more machines, oxygen mask the works!! A doctor then came almost right away and said that he would take some blood from his arm...and his artery in his wrist :puke: I was watching the heart monitor when they done it and James' heart was going sparadic...he hates needles!! Bless. Anyway, they wheeled him to xray and by 6pm another doctor came to see him, and confirmed he believes it is pleuresy.

They gave him a loads of different tablets, has to have 5 a day and told him not to go to the gym for the next 2 weeks and rest!!

He's feeling better today and gone in to work so fingers crossed the drugs work and he takes it easy...he's been running round after me and been doing a lot of the nesting himself!

Anyone else had pleuresy or know someone who has? It sounds like it's fairly common and should now ease off with the drugs.
I hope he is getting better. I had heard of pluracy, an auntie of mine had it but I had assumed it was because she was a smoker and didnt take that much notice of her immediate health. But your oh doesnt sound like that
:hug: :hug:
lauramumof2 said:
I hope he is getting better. I had heard of pluracy, an auntie of mine had it but I had assumed it was because she was a smoker and didnt take that much notice of her immediate health. But your oh doesnt sound like that
:hug: :hug:

No he doesn't smoke and goes to the gym 4-5 times a week! Smoking can worsen it but they said it can effect any one of any health/age.
:hug: Hope he feels better soon- and I hope you don't have that baby today- he needs to be on top form when you pop not on bed rest!

God it must have been scary for you both :hug: :hug:

You two might aswell get a season ticket for that hospital......lol.

I don't know nothing about it im afraid, but i hope he is feeling better soon and i hope you are feeling ok aswell hun xxxx
Gosh how frightening for you both, hope he is OK on the drugs and you are resting too? :hug: :hug:
You must have been going out of your mind with worry.

I hope he gets better soon. :hug:

I've heard of it before but don't know anything about it.
Sounds so scary! Glad he seems better now ive never heard of this . Sounds like you both take such good care of oneanother :)
phew thank goodness he is ok, you two are keeping the NHS open!! at least its all before LO gets here.
Thanks Ladies

He says he's feeling better today, so hopefully his drugs are working and he manages to get some rest before LO gets here.

A few weeks ago we were both fit and healthy...must be turning 25 that does it! :lol:
aww hun :hug: glad he is feeling better today. My Mum has had pleurisy. Its really not nice :(
OMG sounds like sumat out of er, iv never been to a & e and seen anything more serious than a broken arm your poor fella sounds really scary !!
Glad hes feeling better, hopefully he'll be able to have ity all sorted before LO gets here eh !!
Glad he's feeling better today :hug: Must have been really scary :hug:

Poor him for having to have aertirial (spelling?!) bloods taken from his wrist!!! It HURTS LIKE HELL!! I had to have it taken when i couldt breath properly when i had pre-eclampsia. not nice :(

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