OH not yet please!


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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I had SPD with the last couple of babies i had and the very last i was in a wheelchair for the last few weeks but im getting it already this time, i went out this morning and i can now barely walk im in so much pain, how on earth will i get through the next 11 ish weeks :?

aww no.. :hug:

i know how ur feeling, it takes me ages to get out of bed some mornings its that bad...

my uncle is a physiotheropist.. and advised me to lye on my back bringin me leg to my chest (very hard with a bump) and hold.. do a few times a day, and it does actually help.. it hurts but helps the mobility when your stiff.. :hug: xxx
:hug: hun I feel your pain. I gotta go back to work tomorrow, and my hips are killing me :( , plus my back is in bits so I dunno how long Im gonna last!! :roll:

Sorry you're getting it again :hug:
Oh no :( I hope it doesn't get as bad as the last time hun!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
I don't understand mine tbh? I was told it will get worse etc but as the times gone by its actually got better!??? Though I guess its because I just don't do anything lol All the things that used to aggravate it I dont do so must be that?! :think:
lea m said:
Oh no :( I hope it doesn't get as bad as the last time hun!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
I don't understand mine tbh? I was told it will get worse etc but as the times gone by its actually got better!??? Though I guess its because I just don't do anything lol All the things that used to aggravate it I dont do so must be that?! :think:
I started to get it a while ago but it went, i think it was while i was still doing the horses etc but when i gave it up and so do nothing as such it went but i trailed round a car boot this morning for about 2 hours and now cant walk :? so im guessing it is a case of lots of rest really does help.
hennaly said:
lea m said:
Oh no :( I hope it doesn't get as bad as the last time hun!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
I don't understand mine tbh? I was told it will get worse etc but as the times gone by its actually got better!??? Though I guess its because I just don't do anything lol All the things that used to aggravate it I dont do so must be that?! :think:
I started to get it a while ago but it went, i think it was while i was still doing the horses etc but when i gave it up and so do nothing as such it went but i trailed round a car boot this morning for about 2 hours and now cant walk :? so im guessing it is a case of lots of rest really does help.
Yeh it must be! When they say dont do anything they really mean it! :( But is manageable to me so that's ok! Nights are bad when Im in bed still! Cant turn easy still without the pain etc and like now Ive been shopping so its more painful but I know if I do nothing else really it will be ok! Plus we have a downstairs toilet so I use that and try to not go upstairs at all if i can help it and things like that! Its the little things isnt it!? It was hard at first because you naturally think exercise if good for you and its so hard to get into the "dont even walk" frame of mind! Plus the feelings of annoyance at not being able to do anything, the upset at not being able to do anything etc!
I hated it but now I dont really think of it! So in that way its better than I was expecting!
I feel sorry for all you ladies though that have to go to work etc and especially when your job includes lots of walking so you have no choice but to constantly move and aggravate it! Im just lucky I can be lazy lol kwim??
I do hope you dont get it as bad though Hen! :( I cant imagine being in a wheelchair fun! :hug: :hug: :hug:
I caught myslef checking out the price of one of those old lady pushalong things with a seat on it today how sad is that :lol:
I hate the stairs, coming down isnt so bad but going up is a nightmare (even a comode is looking tempting :roll: ).
Matt has to help me turn in bed now sometimes and the amount of times i have nearly fell out as cant shuffle over enough before i make the turn :rotfl:
Why oh why do we do it :think:
I got it at about 28 weeks and it went after a couple of weeks - have you tried swimming? It really helped me. Hope you get better...
Sending very best wishes hennaly, I really hope it doesn't get that bad again for you, and I hope you find some relief from it, take it easy and have a lovely 3rd Tri :hug: :hug: :hug:

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