Oh No! Thought I'd avoided the dreaded....


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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.......PILES!!!!! :mad:

But no :shakehead:, they've arrived, and I want to try and get rid as soon as possible!

I know there's no miracle cure (or is there???...) but does anyone have any good recommendations for creams or whatever? I know I need to drink lots of water and eat lots of fibre but if anyone has used anything and it really helped then I can get an idea of what to get in the chemist.

Thanks girls!!
If u see my thread earlier Hun I've posted the exact same thing, I'm in sooooo much pain with them and I'm due on fri!!! :( was bleeding this morning when I woke up coz they are that bad, don't bloody use preparation h whatever u do it's shit I'm trying the anusol cream now and warm baths which helps and ice packs and every bloody thing else!!! I feel your pain!!!!!!!!

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If u see my thread earlier Hun I've posted the exact same thing, I'm in sooooo much pain with them and I'm due on fri!!! :( was bleeding this morning when I woke up coz they are that bad, don't bloody use preparation h whatever u do it's shit I'm trying the anusol cream now and warm baths which helps and ice packs and every bloody thing else!!! I feel your pain!!!!!!!!

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Oh no!! Oh God I really feel for you, so close to your due date too! I hope mine don't get that bad but you just don't know do you?? I'll prob give the Anusol a try I seem to remember using it years ago but can't remember if it was any good.
Yep i have piles here too...Itchy, nasty, sore, hard to keep clean bum :eh: TMI sorry. I personally get a well washed hand and ahemmmm...insert them back in :lol: Failing that you can try Anusol cream meant to be dead nice on them.
Yep i have piles here too...Itchy, nasty, sore, hard to keep clean bum :eh: TMI sorry. I personally get a well washed hand and ahemmmm...insert them back in :lol: Failing that you can try Anusol cream meant to be dead nice on them.

:-O how to you get them back in?? lol,

i had them from going away about 23weeks preg and they have gone down and arnt really painfull now but they dont look nice, they kinda look like saggy empty grapes (TMI - sorry!!!) but i dont really want to show anyone them (dr or nurse or M/W) to see what they recommend cos im a bit shy bout my bum, il get my flaf out for M/W or anyone at the drop of a hat, but my bums more private (yeh silly i know)

i just drank lots of water and they have stopped hurting and being red, (mine were from having diarrhoea for 10days :-(

good luck ladies at finding a super cure!!!

Anusol worked for me. It's a bit messy but did seem to relieve the itching
Yep i have piles here too...Itchy, nasty, sore, hard to keep clean bum :eh: TMI sorry. I personally get a well washed hand and ahemmmm...insert them back in :lol: Failing that you can try Anusol cream meant to be dead nice on them.

:shock: OMG to inserting them back in! This really is one of those pregnancy things I wasn't prepared for!!
:-O how to you get them back in?? lol,

i had them from going away about 23weeks preg and they have gone down and arnt really painfull now but they dont look nice, they kinda look like saggy empty grapes (TMI - sorry!!!) but i dont really want to show anyone them (dr or nurse or M/W) to see what they recommend cos im a bit shy bout my bum, il get my flaf out for M/W or anyone at the drop of a hat, but my bums more private (yeh silly i know)

i just drank lots of water and they have stopped hurting and being red, (mine were from having diarrhoea for 10days :-(

good luck ladies at finding a super cure!!!


:) I know what you mean about the bum area being for you and you alone, funny isn't it how you'll be access all areas (so to speak) apart from there! Do they go eventually do you know? Why do we have to experience all these horrible things when we get PG which otherwise is such a lovely thing??!! :eh:

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