Oh no, Ive done it again...(food related!)


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2010
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Im home alone tonight as OH is on a sleep and Ive ordered a kebab! We had chinese on Sat night and Ive been eating way too much chocolate and now my fingers just couldnt stop the dialling to the kebab shop! AHHH. I shall put my 15lb back on and end up the size of a house!
I just dont fancy anything else :(
Someone please say theyre joining me lol
I am having a whole dish of angel delight to myself if that counts :lol:
oooh I love Angel Delight, I get the Weight Watchers one in sachets. I think Im eating about 1900 more calories in my kebab lol

Enjoy it ;)
I shall ;-)

I went for a run today so I am literally undoing all my good work :-(

Oh well tomorrow's a new day, enjoy your kebab!! x
It's very hard not to give in to the cravings isn't it? I heard you can be craving something else that your body needs so meat could just mean you fancy protien of one kind or another. Try not to worry too much though breast feeding ( thats if you plan to) is great for shedding excess fat! I put on 4 stone with my daughter but lost it quite quick feeding her and going to the gym. I don't plan to put that much on this time though, my body might not be so forgiving at 35! Ive still been going to the gym so I can eat what ever I want!
Im going to try breastfeeding so maybe that will help. I feel bad because Ive done so well on WW losing 15lb and had dropped nearly 2 dress sizes just with that. My friend put 4 stone on too and I really dont want to even put 2 on if I can help it :(
i have been eating way to many takeaways just by the time i get in from work i really cant be bothered to cook its so bad and i really need to stop it but there just so yummy xx
Thats the thing Hayels, OH isnt here and I just couldnt be bothered. We had a lovely steak pie in the fridge which I was going to have with mushy peas but OH has eaten nearly all of it and the piece left was the size of my finger lol.
lol i really want a kebab now u have mentioned it lol x
Maybe things will settle down in tri 2 I know most of my weight went on during tri 3 when I just became an eating machine! I totally craved the wrong things too, sweets, sweets and more sweets! I think 2 stone is normal though as most of that is water, baby, blood, big boobs and placenta and only 7lbs is extra fat! I've just polished off a plate of pasta and now feel bloated, quite a lot for me compared to last few weeks and no tea at all!
Had a kebab too, shared one with hubby plus a garlic bread with tomato, cheese and mushrooms............. yum............. I lost 2 and a half stone with weight watchers before I got pregnant. Oops. x
Yorks, go you for losing so much with WW. I shall look forward to getting back on it after Xmas this year! No more kebabs for me (or onion rings AHEM) x
I needed to lose more believe me, I had visions of me being able to wear nice size 12 maternity wear, weren't supposed to be trying for another baby til July. Hubby persuaded me otherwise over Christmas. Will be back on it as soon as I have my 6 week check. I was breastfeeding whilst on it this time so I know all will be ok on that front they're really good with their extra points for breastfeeding. x
Oh thats good to know :) I cant wait to get back on it, I feel sluggish and crap! Dr couldnt understand why I couldnt stay on it but said if they advise against it its best to stick to what we know. x
I was tempted to try and stick to it but a friend of mine was on slimming world when pregnant as you can stay on that, her previous baby was 10lb and the one whilst on slimming world was 7lb so she ended up being an unstable lie and she nearly had a c section, my last baby was an unstable lie (could still turn completely around) at 8lb 6oz so I don't want to risk having a tiny baby by dieting. How's that for an excuse to eat what I want tee hee, I want a big baby! x
First baby was fine, it's quite common with your 2nd apparently. I was all prepped for c section when they found she'd gone head down, by the time they tried to induce me she'd moved again. Fun times!!!!
I ate a Pork Pie to myself yesterday before reading the label and it had 1290 kcal in just that!! As well as that I had 2 cream cakes an cream egg 2 bowls of beef stew (num num) AND about 4 bowls of cereal.......

I'm just sticking with that being a VERY bad day :/ ha ha xx
:D tbh... can say that was a bad day.... but honestly I feel hungry CONSTANTLY at the moment! thankfully there was lots of stew left over from yesterday so have been munching out on that today.... its kinda healthy right?? lool xx

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